Deprem mühendisliğine giriş ve depreme dayanıklı yapı tasarımı Z Celep, N Kumbasar Beta Yayıncılık, 2000 | 636 | 2000 |
Betonarme Yapılar Z Celep Beta Yayıncılık, 2015 | 356* | 2015 |
Betonarme taşıyıcı sistemlerde doğrusal olmayan davranış ve çözümleme: deprem yönetmeliği (2007) kavramları Z Celep Beta Dağıtım., 2017 | 210 | 2017 |
Failures of masonry and concrete buildings during the March 8, 2010 Kovancılar and Palu (Elazığ) earthquakes in Turkey Z Celep, A Erken, B Taskin, A Ilki Engineering Failure Analysis 18 (3), 868-889, 2011 | 144 | 2011 |
Yapı Dinamiği Z Celep, N Kumbasar Beta Dağıtım, 2001 | 107* | 2001 |
Spurious reflection of elastic waves due to gradually changing finite element size Z Celep, ZP Bažant International journal for numerical methods in engineering 19 (5), 631-646, 1983 | 106 | 1983 |
Rectangular plates resting on tensionless elastic foundation Z Celep Journal of Engineering mechanics 114 (12), 2083-2092, 1988 | 89 | 1988 |
Earthquakes, existing buildings and seismic design codes in Turkey A Ilki, Z Celep Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 37, 365-380, 2012 | 74 | 2012 |
Deprem bölgelerinde yapılacak binalar hakkında yönetmelik açıklamalar ve örnekler kitabı MN Aydınoğlu, Z Celep, E Özer, H Sucuoğlu Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı, Ankara, 2009 | 72* | 2009 |
Circular plate on tensionless Winkler fundation Z Celep Journal of Engineering Mechanics 114 (10), 1723-1739, 1988 | 68 | 1988 |
Spurious reflection of elastic waves in nonuniform meshes of constant and linear strain finite elements. ZP Bazant, Z Celep COMP. & STRUCT. 15 (4), 451-459, 1982 | 60 | 1982 |
Deprem mühendisliğine giriş Z Celep, N Kumbasar Beta Dağıtım, İstanbul, 2004 | 56 | 2004 |
Forced vibrations of a beam on a tensionless foundation Z Celep, A Malaika, M Abu-Hussein Journal of sound and vibration 128 (2), 235-246, 1989 | 53 | 1989 |
Betonarme sistemlerde doğrusal olmayan davranış: Plastik mafsal kabulü ve çözümleme Z Celep Altıncı Ulusal Deprem Mühendisliği Konferansı, 16-20, 2007 | 47 | 2007 |
On the axially symmetric vibration of thick circular plates Z Celep Ingenieur-Archiv 47, 411-420, 1978 | 42 | 1978 |
Response of a completely free beam on a tensionless Pasternak foundation subjected to dynamic load Z Celep, K Güler, F Demir Structural engineering & mechanics 37 (1), 61, 2011 | 40 | 2011 |
Axisymmetric vibrations of circular plates on tensionless elastic foundations Z Celep, D Turhan | 38 | 1990 |
Static and dynamic responses of a circular plate on a tensionless elastic foundation K Güler, Z Celep Journal of Sound and Vibration 183 (2), 185-195, 1995 | 37 | 1995 |
Dynamic stability of pretwisted columns under periodic axial loads Z Celep Journal of sound and vibration 103 (1), 35-42, 1985 | 37 | 1985 |
Free flexural vibration of initially imperfect thin plates with large elastic amplitudes Z Celep ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 1976 | 34 | 1976 |