Serkan Özgen
Serkan Özgen
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Ice accretion simulation on multi-element airfoils using extended Messinger model
S Özgen, M Canıbek
Heat and Mass Transfer 45 (3), 305-322, 2009
Predictions of ice formations on wind turbine blades and power production losses due to icing
O Yirtici, S Ozgen, IH Tuncer
Wind Energy 22 (7), 945-958, 2019
Ice accretion prediction on wind turbines and consequent power losses
O Yirtici, IH Tuncer, S Ozgen
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 753 (2), 022022, 2016
Linear stability analysis in compressible, flat-plate boundary-layers
S Özgen, SA Kırcalı
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 22, 1-20, 2008
Two-fluid boundary layer stability
S Özgen, G Degrez, GSR Sarma
Physics of fluids 10 (11), 2746-2757, 1998
Effect of heat transfer on stability and transition characteristics of boundary-layers
S Özgen
International journal of heat and mass transfer 47 (22), 4697-4712, 2004
Crosslinked DADMAC polymers as cationic super absorbents
S Korpe, B Erdoğan, G Bayram, S Ozgen, Y Uludag, N Bicak
Reactive and Functional Polymers 69 (9), 660-665, 2009
Experimental study of wave characteristics on a thin layer of de/anti-icing fluid
S Özgen, M Carbonaro, GSR Sarma
Physics of Fluids 14 (10), 3391-3402, 2002
Aerodynamic validation studies on the performance analysis of iced wind turbine blades
O Yirtici, K Cengiz, S Ozgen, IH Tuncer
Computers & Fluids 192, 104271, 2019
Morphing air vehicle concepts
S Özgen, Y Yaman, M Şahin, G Seber, L Ünlüsoy, E Sakarya, T İnsuyu, ...
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Unmanned Vehicles (UVW2010 …, 2010
In-flight ice accretion simulation in mixed-phase conditions
E Ayan, S Özgen
The Aeronautical Journal 122 (1249), 409-441, 2018
A Multi-fidelity, multi-disciplinary analysis and optimization framework for the design of morphing UAV wing
A Ciarella, C Tsotskas, M Hahn, N Werter, R De Breuker, C Beaverstock, ...
16th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, 2326, 2015
Decamber morphing concepts by using a hybrid trailing edge control surface
Y Yaman, İO Tunçöz, Y Yang, P Arslan, U Kalkan, H Tıraş, E Gürses, ...
Aerospace 2 (3), 482-504, 2015
Investigation of the linear stability problem of electrified jets, inviscid analysis
S Özgen, O Uzol
Structural analysis of an unconventional hybrid control surface of a morphing wing
P Arslan, U Kalkan, H Tıraş, İO Tunçöz, Y Yang, E Gürses, M Şahin, ...
ICAST2014: 25th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and …, 2014
In-flight ice formation simulation on finite wings and air intakes
S Özgen, M Canıbek
The Aeronautical Journal 116 (1178), 337-362, 2012
Improvement in the spring analogy mesh deformation method through the cell-center concept
Y Yang, S Özgen, H Kim
Aerospace Science and Technology 115, 106832, 2021
Prediction of ice crystal accretion with TAICE
E Ayan, S Ozgen, C Murat, E Tarhan
SAE Technical Paper, 2015
Evaluation of a camber morphing concept based on controlled flexibility
G Seber, E Sakarya, TE Insuyu, M Sahin, S Sozgen, Y Yaman
IFASD2009, International Forum on Aeroelasticity and Structural Dynamics, 21-25, 2009
Design, analysis and experimental modal testing of a mission adaptive wing of an unmanned aerial vehicle
M Şahin, E Sakarya, L Ünlüsoy, ET İnsuyu, G Seber, S Özgen, Y Yaman
UVW2010, International Unmanned Vehicle Workshop, Paper ID 10, 10-12, 2010
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Articles 1–20