Selçuk Erkaya
Selçuk Erkaya
Erciyes Üniv.
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Experimental investigation of joint clearance effects on the dynamics of a slider-crank mechanism
S Erkaya, I Uzmay
Multibody system dynamics 24, 81-102, 2010
Determining link parameters using genetic algorithm in mechanisms with joint clearance
S Erkaya, İ Uzmay
Mechanism and Machine Theory 44 (1), 222-234, 2009
Investigation on effect of joint clearance on dynamics of four-bar mechanism
S Erkaya, İ Uzmay
Nonlinear Dynamics 58, 179-198, 2009
A neural–genetic (NN–GA) approach for optimising mechanisms having joints with clearance
S Erkaya, I Uzmay
Multibody System Dynamics 20, 69-83, 2008
Fault detection on robot manipulators using artificial neural networks
I Eski, S Erkaya, S Savas, S Yildirim
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 27 (1), 115-123, 2011
Effects of joint clearance on the dynamics of a partly compliant mechanism: numerical and experimental studies
S Erkaya, S Doğan, Ş Ulus
Mechanism and Machine Theory 88, 125-140, 2015
Optimization of transmission angle for slider-crank mechanism with joint clearances
S Erkaya, I Uzmay
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 37, 493-508, 2009
Investigation of joint clearance effects on welding robot manipulators
S Erkaya
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 28 (4), 449-457, 2012
Modeling and simulation of joint clearance effects on mechanisms having rigid and flexible links
S Erkaya, İ Uzmay
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 28, 2979-2986, 2014
Experimental investigation of flexible connection and clearance joint effects on the vibration responses of mechanisms
S Erkaya
Mechanism and Machine Theory 121, 515-529, 2018
A comparative analysis of joint clearance effects on articulated and partly compliant mechanisms
S Erkaya, S Doğan
Nonlinear Dynamics 81 (1), 323-341, 2015
Analysis of the joint clearance effects on a compliant spatial mechanism
S Erkaya, S Doğan, E Şefkatlıoğlu
Mechanism and Machine Theory 104, 255-273, 2016
Dynamic analysis of a slider–crank mechanism with eccentric connector and planetary gears
S Erkaya, Ş Su, I Uzmay
Mechanism and machine theory 42 (4), 393-408, 2007
Prediction of vibration characteristics of a planar mechanism having imperfect joints using neural network
S Erkaya
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 26, 1419-1430, 2012
Trajectory optimization of a walking mechanism having revolute joints with clearance using ANFIS approach
S Erkaya
Nonlinear Dynamics 71, 75-91, 2013
Effects of Joint Clearance on the Motion Accuracy of Robotic Manipulators.
S Erkaya
Journal of Mechanical Engineering/Strojniški Vestnik 64 (2), 2018
Experimental analysis on fault detection for a direct coupled rotor-bearing system
H Taplak, S Erkaya, I Uzmay
Measurement 46 (1), 336-344, 2013
Effects of balancing and link flexibility on dynamics of a planar mechanism having joint clearance
S Erkaya
Scientia Iranica 19 (3), 483-490, 2012
Investigation of balancing problem for a planar mechanism using genetic algorithm
S Erkaya
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 27, 2153-2160, 2013
Noise and vibration analysis of car engines using proposed neural network
Ş Yildirim, S Erkaya, İ Eski, İ Uzmay
Journal of Vibration and Control 15 (1), 133-156, 2009
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Articles 1–20