Atatürk Üniveristesi
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The influence of lightweight aggregate on the physico-mechanical properties of concrete exposed to freeze–thaw cycles
R Polat, R Demirboğa, MB Karakoç, İ Türkmen
Cold Regions Science and Technology 60 (1), 51-56, 2010
Effects of nano and micro size of CaO and MgO, nano-clay and expanded perlite aggregate on the autogenous shrinkage of mortar
R Polat, R Demirboğa, WH Khushefati
Construction and Building Materials 81, 268-275, 2015
The influence of calcium nitrate as antifreeze admixture on the compressive strength of concrete exposed to low temperatures
F Karagöl, R Demirboğa, MA Kaygusuz, MM Yadollahi, R Polat
Cold Regions Science and Technology 89, 30-35, 2013
The effects of urea on strength gaining of fresh concrete under the cold weather conditions
R Demirboğa, F Karagöl, R Polat, MA Kaygusuz
Construction and Building Materials 64, 114-120, 2014
The effect of nano-MgO on the setting time, autogenous shrinkage, microstructure and mechanical properties of high performance cement paste and mortar
R Polat, R Demirboğa, F Karagöl
Construction and Building Materials 156, 208-218, 2017
The effect of antifreeze additives on fresh concrete subjected to freezing and thawing cycles
R Polat
Cold Regions Science and Technology 127, 10-17, 2016
The correlation between aggregate shape and compressive strength of concrete: Digital image processing approach
R Polat, MM Yadollahi, AE Sagsoz, S Arasan
Int. J. Struct. Civ. Eng. Res 2 (3), 63-80, 2013
The influence of nano-CaO and nano-Al2O3 and curing conditions on perlite based geopolymer concrete produced by the one-part mixing method
E Dişçi, R Polat
Construction and Building Materials 346, 128484, 2022
The influence of lightweight aggregate, freezing–thawing procedure and air entraining agent on freezing–thawing damage
F Karagöl, Y Yegin, R Polat, A Benli, R Demirboğa
Structural Concrete, 2018
Improving the durability of pumice-fly ash based geopolymer concrete with calcium aluminate cement
C Karaaslan, E Yener, T Bağatur, R Polat
Journal of Building Engineering 59, 105110, 2022
Synergic effect of fly ash and calcium aluminate cement on the properties of pumice-based geopolymer mortar
C Karaaslan, E Yener, T Bağatur, R Polat, R Gül, MH Alma
Construction and Building Materials 345, 128397, 2022
Mechanical and physical behavior of cement paste and mortar incorporating nano-CaO
R Polat, R Demirboğa, F Karagöl
Structural Concrete, 1-10, 2019
Effect of heat treatment temperature on ground pumice activation in geopolymer composites
MM Yadollahi, R Demirboğa, R Polat
Science and Engineering of Composite Materials 21 (3), 377-382, 2014
Effects of the different atmospheric steam curing processes on the properties of self-compacting-concrete containing microsilica
AC Aydin, A Öz, R Polat, H Mindivan
Sadhana 40, 1361-1371, 2015
Influence of singular and binary nanomaterials on the physical, mechanical and durability properties of mortars subjected to elevated temperatures and freeze–thaw cycles
R Polat, AW Qarluq, F Karagöl
Construction and Building Materials 295, 123608, 2021
Genleştirlimiş perlit ve pomza ile hava sürükleyici katkının betonda kılcal geçirimlilik ve don hasarına etkisi
R Polat
Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007
The effect of vehicle waste tires on the mechanical, hardness and stress–strain properties of polyester-based polymer concretes
MH Akın, R Polat
Construction and Building Materials 325, 126741, 2022
The influence of expanded perlite aggregate on compressive strength, linear autogenous shrinkage, restrained shrinkage, heat of hydration of cement‐based materials
R Polat, R Demirboğa, F Karagöl
Structural Concrete, 1-11, 2018
Effect of stone color, dosage and alkali type on Ahlat Stone (volcanic origin) based geopolymer concretes
SMU Toprak, R Polat, A Levet, ŞN Toprak
Journal of Building Engineering 67, 106059, 2023
The effect of initial geometric imperfection on the load bearing capacity of double layer barrel vault space structures
MM Yadollahi, R Gül, R Polat, BM Yadollahi, MS Gül
3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural …, 2011
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Articles 1–20