Oğuz Abdullah Uyaroğlu
Oğuz Abdullah Uyaroğlu
Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine
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The role, importance and recommendations of chronic diseases in COVID-19
B Sandalcı, OA Uyaroğlu, GS Güven
Flora 25 (2), 132-138, 2020
Point-of-care ultrasound in internal medicine: A position paper by the ultrasound working group of the European federation of internal medicine
J Torres-Macho, T Aro, I Bruckner, C Cogliati, OH Gilja, A Gurghean, ...
European journal of internal medicine 73, 67-71, 2020
Thirty-day readmission rate of COVID-19 patients discharged from a tertiary care university hospital in Turkey: an observational, single-center study
OA Uyaroğlu, NÇ BaŞaran, L Özişik, GT Dizman, İ Eroğlu, TK Şahin, ...
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 33 (1), mzaa144, 2021
Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of Post-COVID-19 Functional Status Scale
EÇ Kütükcü, A Cakmak, E Kinaci, OA Uyaroğlu, NV Yağli, GS Güven, ...
Turkish journal of medical sciences 51 (5), 2304-2310, 2021
Outcome of noncritical COVID-19 patients with early hospitalization and early antiviraltreatment outside the ICU
NÇ Başaran, OA Uyaroğlu, GT Dizman, L Özişik, TK Şahin, Z Taş, ...
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 51 (2), 411-420, 2021
Evaluation of the effect of COVID‐19 pandemic on anxiety severity of physicians working in the internal medicine department of a tertiary care hospital: a cross‐sectional survey
OA Uyaroğlu, NÇ Başaran, L Ozisik, S Karahan, MD Tanriover, GS Guven, ...
Internal medicine journal 50 (11), 1350-1358, 2020
Behçet’s disease; A rare refractory patient with vena cava superior syndrome treated with infliximab: a case report and review of the literature
OA Uyaroglu, A Erden, L Kilic, B Peynircioğlu, O Karadag, U Kalyoncu
Acta Clinica Belgica, 2019
Can Levamisole be used in the treatment of COVID-19 patients presenting with diarrhea?
OA Uyaroğlu, GS Güven, İ Güllü
The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries 14 (08), 844-846, 2020
Pregnancy outcomes in partners of male ankylosing spondylitis patients treated with anti-tumour necrosis factor-α biologics: real-life results from a single-centre cross …
OA Uyaroglu, E Seyhoglu, A Erden, L Kilic, O Karadag, A Akdogan, ...
Rheumatology International 40 (9), 1501-1507, 2020
Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors associated renal adverse event prediction
AT Güven, M Özdede, YZ Şener, AO Yıldırım, SE Altıntop, B Yeşilyurt, ...
European Journal of Internal Medicine 114, 74-83, 2023
Independent predictors of in-hospital mortality and the need for intensive care in hospitalized non-critical COVID-19 patients: a prospective cohort study
NÇ Başaran, M Özdede, OA Uyaroğlu, TK Şahin, B Özcan, H Oral, ...
Internal and Emergency Medicine 17 (5), 1413-1424, 2022
Hyperlipidemia in Post-COVID patients; a unique observational follow-up study on lipid levels in post-COVID patients
OA Uyaroğlu, M Özdede, NÇ Başaran, B Köylü, TK Sahin, L Özışık, ...
Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine 5 (1), 220-226, 2022
Characteristics and management of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections
MD Tanriover, A Fathi, M Raspe, AG Novais, OA Uyaroğlu
Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology 33 (1), 1-7, 2022
“COVID‐19: The final nail in the coffin for physical examination” Evaluation of the effects of COVID‐19 pandemic on physical examination habits of residents in a university …
M Erdevir, OA Uyaroğlu, M Özdede, MD Tanrıöver
International Journal of Clinical Practice 75 (12), e14988, 2021
QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test can be used for screening latent tuberculosis before biological treatment in a Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG)-vaccinated country: the HUR-BIO …
E Seyhoglu, OA Uyaroğlu, A Erden, L Kilic, O Karadag, A Akdogan, ...
Clinical Rheumatology 40, 2027-2035, 2021
A COVID-19 first evaluation clinic at a university hospital in Turkey
GT Dizman, G Metan, ÇMA Ceylan, H Altunay, M Uzun, G Gürsoy, Z Taş, ...
Turkish journal of medical sciences 52 (1), 1-10, 2022
‘Anxiety is still ongoing!’Evaluation of the effect of the COVID‐19 pandemic on anxiety severity of physicians working in the internal medicine department after 1 year: a …
OA Uyaroğlu, M Özdede, N Çalık Başaran, L Özışık, MD Tanriover, ...
Internal Medicine Journal 51 (11), 1940-1945, 2021
First Confirmed Cases of 2019 novel coronavirus in a university hospital in Turkey: housemate internists
OA Uyaroğlu, NÇ Başaran, L Özışık, Z Taş, GT Dizman, AÇ İnkaya, Ş Alp, ...
Acta Medica 52 (1), 75-81, 2021
Blocking angiotensin earlier with RAS blockers, statins, and heparin in high-risk COVID-19 patients: Is the remedy here
İ Eroğlu, BÇ Eroğlu, OA Uyaroğlu, GS Güven
Anatol J Cardiol 24 (1), 19-20, 2020
Quality gap in venous thromboembolism prophylaxis practices in inpatients: assessment of prophylaxis practices in a University Hospital
AT Güven, SE Altintop, M Özdede, OA Uyaroğlu, MD Tanriöver
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 33 (3), mzab104, 2021
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