Furkan Türker SARICAOGLU
Furkan Türker SARICAOGLU
Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
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Effect of ultrasound treatment on the properties of nano-emulsion films obtained from hazelnut meal protein and clove essential oil
O Gul, FT Saricaoglu, A Besir, I Atalar, F Yazici
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 41, 466-474, 2018
Effect of high pressure homogenization (HPH) on functional and rheological properties of hazelnut meal proteins obtained from hazelnut oil industry by-products
FT Saricaoglu, O Gul, A Besir, I Atalar
Journal of Food Engineering 233, 98-108, 2018
Application of high-pressure homogenization (HPH) to modify functional, structural and rheological properties of lentil (Lens culinaris) proteins
FT Saricaoglu
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 144, 760-769, 2020
Effect of high pressure homogenization (HPH) on microstructure and rheological properties of hazelnut milk
O Gul, FT Saricaoglu, M Mortas, I Atalar, F Yazici
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 41, 411-420, 2017
The effect of starch modification and concentration on steady-state and dynamic rheology of meat emulsions
H Genccelep, FT Saricaoglu, M Anil, B Agar, S Turhan
Food Hydrocolloids 48, 135-148, 2015
High pressure homogenization of mechanically deboned chicken meat protein suspensions to improve mechanical and barrier properties of edible films
FT Saricaoglu, S Tural, O Gul, S Turhan
Food Hydrocolloids 84, 135-145, 2018
Effect of sugar beet fiber concentrations on rheological properties of meat emulsions and their correlation with texture profile analysis
B Ağar, H Gençcelep, FT Saricaoğlu, S Turhan
Food and Bioproducts Processing 100, 118-131, 2016
Physicochemical, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of mechanically deboned chicken meat protein films enriched with various essential oils
FT Sarıcaoglu, S Turhan
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 25, 100527, 2020
Application of multi pass high pressure homogenization to improve stability, physical and bioactive properties of rosehip (Rosa canina L.) nectar
FT Saricaoglu, I Atalar, VA Yilmaz, HI Odabas, O Gul
Food Chemistry 282, 67-75, 2019
Performance of mechanically deboned chicken meat protein coatings containing thyme or clove essential oil for storage quality improvement of beef sucuks
FT Saricaoglu, S Turhan
Meat Science 158, 107912, 2019
Potential application of high pressure homogenization (HPH) for improving functional and rheological properties of mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) proteins
FT Saricaoglu, O Gul, S Tural, S Turhan
Journal of Food Engineering 215, 161-171, 2017
Preparation of fish skin gelatin-based nanofibers incorporating cinnamaldehyde by solution blow spinning
F Liu, F Türker Saricaoglu, RJ Avena-Bustillos, DF Bridges, GR Takeoka, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 19 (2), 618, 2018
Yenilebilir film ve kaplamalar: Üretimleri, uygulama yöntemleri, fonksiyonları ve kaslı gıdalarda kullanımları
S Tural, FT SARICAOĞLU, S Turhan
Akademik Gıda 15 (1), 84-94, 2017
Evaluation of the nutritional and storage quality of meatballs formulated with bee pollen
S Turhan, F Yazici, FT Saricaoglu, M Mortas, H Genccelep
Korean Journal for Food Science of Animal Resources 34 (4), 423, 2014
Influence of thermosonication (TS) process on the quality parameters of high pressure homogenized hazelnut milk from hazelnut oil by-products
I Atalar, O Gul, FT Saricaoglu, A Besir, LB Gul, F Yazici
Journal of food science and technology 56, 1405-1415, 2019
Improvement of physicochemical, mechanical, thermal and surface properties of anchovy by-product protein films by addition of transglutaminase, and the correlation between …
K Yilmaz, S Turhan, FT Saricaoglu, S Tural
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 24, 100483, 2020
Effect of multi‐pass high pressure homogenization on physicochemical properties of hazelnut milk from hazelnut cake: An investigation by response surface methodology
O Gul, I Atalar, FT Saricaoglu, F Yazici
Journal of food Processing and Preservation 42 (5), e13615, 2018
Antimicrobial carvacrol in solution blow‐spun fish‐skin gelatin nanofibers
F Liu, FT Saricaoglu, RJ Avena‐Bustillos, DF Bridges, GR Takeoka, ...
Journal of food science 83 (4), 984-991, 2018
Production and characterization of biodegradable bi-layer films from poly (lactic) acid and zein
ME Parlak, K Uzuner, FT Kirac, S Ozdemir, AN Dundar, OI Sahin, ...
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 227, 1027-1037, 2023
The effect of ultrasonic marinating on the transport of acetic acid and salt in anchovy marinades
S Turhan, FT Saricaoglu, F Oz
Food Science and Technology Research 19 (5), 849-853, 2013
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