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Adel Hashemi
Adel Hashemi
St. Francis Xavier University
anu.edu.au üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The Shi'i Concept of Imamate and Leadership in Contemporary Iran: The Case of Religious Modernists
A Hashemi-Najafabadi
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses 40 (4), 479-496, 2011
Has the information revolution in Muslim societies created new publics?
SA Hashemi-Najafabadi
Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 7 (1), 2010
Imamate and Leadership: The Case of the Shi'a Fundamentalists in Modern Iran/L'IMAMAT ET LE LEADERSHIP: LE CAS DES FONDAMENTALISTES CHIITES EN IRAN MODERNE
A Hashemi-Najafabadi
Canadian Social Science 6 (6), 192, 2010
The Making of Martyrdom in Modern Twelver Shi'ism
A Hashemi
IB Tauris, 2022
Çağdaş İran'da Şiî İmamet Kavramı ve Liderlik: Dinî Modernistlerin Görüşleri
A Hashemi-Najafabadi
Turkish Journal of Shiite Studies 1 (2), 338-356, 2019
A comparative study of social welfare programs of development plans with the relevant Constitutional Principles of IR IRAN
N Salarzadeh, A Hashemi Najafabadi
Social Sciences 21 (65), 49-81, 2015
The Invention of Islamic History.
S Najafabadi
International Journal of the Humanities 8 (1), 2010
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