Senada Kalabušić (0000-0003-3273-1804 ORCID)
Senada Kalabušić (0000-0003-3273-1804 ORCID)
University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
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Cited by
Dynamics of a two-dimensional system of rational difference equations of Leslie--Gower type
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović, E Pilav
Advances in Difference Equations 2011, 1-29, 2011
Global attractivity results for mixed-monotone mappings in partially ordered complete metric spaces
D Burgić, S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović
Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2009, 1-17, 2009
Nonhyperbolic dynamics for competitive systems in the plane and global period-doubling bifurcations
D Burgic, S Kalabušic, MRS Kulenovic
Adv. Dyn. Syst. Appl 3, 229-249, 2008
Stability of a certain class of a host–parasitoid models with a spatial refuge effect
E Bešo, S Kalabušić, N Mujić, E Pilav
Journal of Biological Dynamics 14 (1), 1-31, 2019
On the recursive sequence
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 9 (8), 701-720, 2003
Rate of convergence of solutions of rational difference equation of second order
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović
Advances in Difference Equations 2004, 1-19, 2004
Dynamics of certain anti-competitive systems of rational difference equations in the plane
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 17 (11), 1599-1615, 2011
Global dynamics of a competitive system of rational difference equations in the plane
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović, E Pilav
Advances in Difference Equations 2009, 1-30, 2010
Global Period‐Doubling Bifurcation of Quadratic Fractional Second Order Difference Equation
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović, M Mehuljić
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2014 (1), 920410, 2014
Boundedness of solutions and stability of certain second-order difference equation with quadratic term
E Bešo, S Kalabušić, N Mujić, E Pilav
Advances in Difference Equations 19 (2020:19), 2020
Multiple attractors for a competitive system of rational difference equations in the plane
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović, E Pilav
Abstract and Applied Analysis 2011 (1), 295308, 2011
Neimark–Sacker Bifurcation and Stability of a Certain Class of Host-Parasitoid Models with Host Refuge Effect
B Emin, K Senada, M Naida, E Pilav
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 29 (2019), 2019
Global dynamics of anti-competitive systems in the plane
S Kalabušic, MRS Kulenovic, E Pilav
Dyn. Contin. Discrete Impuls. Syst. Ser. A Math. Anal 20, 477-505, 2013
Global Dynamics of Certain Mix Monotone Difference Equation
S Kalabušić, M Nurkanović, Z Nurkanović
Mathematics, 2018
Global dynamics and bifurcations of two quadratic fractional second order difference equations
S Kalabušić, M Kulenovic, M Mehuljić
Period-Doubling and Neimark–Sacker Bifurcations of a Beddington Host-Parasitoid Model with a Host Refuge Effect
S Kalabušić, D Drino, E Pilav
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 30 (16), 2020
Global Behavior and Bifurcation in a Class of Host–Parasitoid Models with a Constant Host Refuge
S Kalabušić, D Drino, E Pilav
Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2020
Global dynamics of an anti-competitive system of rational difference equations in the plane
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović, E Pilav
Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 19 (11), 1849-1871, 2013
Period-two trichotomies of a difference equation of order higher than two
D Burgic, S Kalabušic, MRS Kulenovic
Sarajevo Journal of Mathematics 4 (16), 73-90, 2008
Dynamics of a class of host–parasitoid models with external stocking upon parasitoids
J Bektešević, V Hadžiabdić, S Kalabušić, M Mehuljić, E Pilav
Advances in Difference Equations, 2021
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Articles 1–20