Ali Ural
Ali Ural
Aksaray University, Department of Civil Engineering
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Turkish historical arch bridges and their deteriorations and failures
A Ural, Ş Oruç, A Doğangün, Öİ Tuluk
Engineering Failure Analysis 15 (1-2), 43-53, 2008
Seismic performance of masonry buildings during recent earthquakes in Turkey
A Doğangün, A Ural, R Livaoğlu
The 14thWorld Conference on Earthquake Engineering October, 12-17, 2008
Seismic performance of masonry buildings during the 2007 Bala, Turkey earthquakes
A Ural, A Doğangün, H Sezen, Z Angın
Natural hazards 60, 1013-1026, 2012
Evaluation of masonry minarets collapsed by a strong wind under uncertainty
A Ural, FK Firat
Natural Hazards, 1-20, 2015
Tarihi kemer köprülerin sonlu eleman metoduyla analizi
A Ural
Deprem Sempozyumu, 408-413, 2005
Yığma yapıların doğrusal ve doğrusal olmayan davranışlarının incelenmesi
A Ural
Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 251s, 2009
The 2011 earthquake in Simav, Turkey and seismic damage to reinforced concrete buildings
A Doğangün, A Ural, H Sezen, Y Güney, FK Fırat
Buildings 3 (1), 173-190, 2013
Experimental and numerical study on effectiveness of various tie-rod systems in brick arches
A Ural, FK Fırat, Ş Tuğrulelçi, ME Kara
Engineering Structures 110, 209-221, 2016
Finite element analysis of historical arch bridge
A Ural
International Earthquake Symposium, Kocaeli, Turkey, 2005
Dynamic analyses and seismic behavior of masonry minarets with single balcony
A Ural, T Celik
Aksaray University Journal of Science and Engineering 2 (1), 13-27, 2018
19th May 2011 Simav (Kütahya) earthquake and response of masonry Halil Aga Mosque
A Ural
Earthquakes and Structures 4 (6), 671-683, 2013
Seismic behavior of historical inclined minarets under near and far fault ground motions
T Türker, B Demirtaş, A Ural, MA Kömür
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 26 (11), 5866-5880, 2022
Response evaluation of historical crooked minaret under wind and earthquake loadings
A Ural, A Dogangun, S Meraki
Wind and Structures 17 (3), 345-359, 2013
Shear tests on stone masonry walls with metal connectors
A Ural, S Uslu
European journal of environmental and civil engineering 18 (1), 66-86, 2014
Seismic performance of the main entrance of Basılıca (Kızılavlu) at Bergama (İzmir)
A Doğangün, A Ural, Ş Meraki
WCCE-ECCETCCE Joint Conference 2, 333-344, 2011
Mikro modelleme tekniği kullanılarak yığma yapıların deprem performanslarının incelenmesi
A Ural, A Doğangün
Uluslararası Deprem Sempozyumu, Kocaeli, 2007
Arch bridges in East Blacksea Region of Turkey and effects of infill materials on a sample bridge
A Ural, A Doğangün
ARCH, 543-550, 2007
January 24, 2020 Sivrice Earthquake and the response of the masonry Haci Yusuf Tas (New) mosque
FK Fırat, ME Kara, A Ural
Earthquakes and Structures, 2022
Characteristics of Anatolian stone arch bridges and a case study for Malabadi Bridge
A Doğangün, A Ural
ARCH’07–5th International Conference on Arch Bridges, 179-86, 2007
Kenet ve Zıvanaların Yığma Duvarların Kesme (Kayma) Davranışına Etkisi, 5
A Ural, ME Kara, S Uslu
Tarihi Eserlerin Güçlendirilmesi ve Geleceğe Güvenle Devredilmesi Sempozyumu …, 2015
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Articles 1–20