Steven Freund
Steven Freund
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A data analytic approach to forecasting daily stock returns in an emerging market
A Oztekin, R Kizilaslan, S Freund, A Iseri
European Journal of Operational Research 253 (3), 697-710, 2016
Volatility estimation for stock index options: a GARCH approach
SH Chu, S Freund
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 36 (4), 431-450, 1996
Investor protection and cross-border acquisitions of private and public targets
K John, S Freund, D Nguyen, GK Vasudevan
Journal of Corporate Finance 16 (3), 259-275, 2010
Operating performance and free cash flow of asset buyers
S Freund, AP Prezas, GK Vasudevan
Financial Management, 87-106, 2003
Effects of global and industrial diversification on firm value and operating performance
S Freund, EA Trahan, GK Vasudevan
Financial Management, 143-161, 2007
Shareholder litigation and corporate social responsibility
S Freund, NH Nguyen, HV Phan
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 58 (2), 512-542, 2023
Executive compensation and corporate financing policies: Evidence from CEO inside debt
S Freund, S Latif, HV Phan
Journal of corporate finance 50, 484-504, 2018
A regression analysis of the effects of options introduction on stock variances
S Freund, PD McCann, GP Webb
The Journal of Derivatives 1 (3), 25-38, 1994
CEO inside debt and internal capital market efficiency
S Freund, HT Nguyen, HV Phan, HT Tang
Journal of Corporate Finance 68, 101974, 2021
The turn-of-the-month effect in stocks trading on the national stock exchange of India
S Freund, R Jain, Y Puri
Journal of Emerging Markets 12 (1), 14, 2007
CEO personality traits and debt contracting: Evidence from pilot CEOs
S Freund, T Kovacs, NH Nguyen, HV Phan
International Review of Financial Analysis 85, 102450, 2023
Recent growth in Nasdaq trading volume and its relation to market volatility
S Freund, GP Webb
Journal of Financial Research 22 (4), 489-501, 1999
The pricing of convexity risk and timedecay in options markets
S Figlewski, S Freund
Journal of Banking & Finance 18 (1), 73-91, 1994
Fraudulent audited annual financial statements in post-PSLRA private securities class actions: Determinants of auditor litigation
S Freund, RD Fuerman, L Shaw
Journal of Forensic Accounting 3 (1), 69-90, 2002
Target-country shareholder protection and acquirer returns
S Freund, D Nguyen, G Vasudevan
unpublished manuscript, 2008
The Information Content of PIPE Offerings
S Freund, K John, G Vasudevan
University of Massachusetts and New York University, 1-34, 2006
Security selection factors: Novice versus experienced investors
S Freund, D Prasad, F Andrews
The International Journal of Business and Finance Research 7 (4), 115-126, 2013
Intraday relations between actual stock prices and stock prices implied by put-call parity
H Choe, S Freund
Pennsylvania State University Working Paper, 1992
Midair Refueling for Sensation Seeking? Pilot CEOs and Corporate Debt Contracting
S Freund, T Kovacs, N Nguyen, HV Phan
Pilot CEOs and Corporate Debt Contracting (September 11, 2020), 2020
The Effect of Voluntary Adviser Registration on Hedge Fund Performance
JC Bouges, S Freund
Oxford Journal: An International Journal of Business & Economics 9 (1), 2014
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Articles 1–20