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Department of Physics Education, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
radenintan.ac.id üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Pengembangan media pembelajaran berupa komik fisika berbantuan sosial media instagram sebagai alternatif pembelajaran
I Irwandani, S Juariyah
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni 5 (1), 33-42, 2016
Modul Digital Interaktif Berbasis Articulate Studio’13: Pengembangan pada Materi Gerak Melingkar Kelas X
I Irwandani, S Latifah, A Asyhari, M Muzannur, W Widayanti
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-BiRuNi 6 (2), 221-231, 2017
Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Generatif Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep Fisika Pokok Bahasan Bunyi Peserta Didik MTs Al-Hikmah Bandar Lampung
I Irwandani, S Rofiah
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Al-Biruni 4 (2), 165-177, 2015
Temperature and Heat Learning Through SSCS Model with Scaffolding: Impact on Students’ Critical Thinking Ability
A Saregar, I Irwandani, A Abdurrahman, P Parmin, S Septiana, R Diani, ...
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 6 (3), 39-54, 2018
The analysis of pre-service physics teachers in scientific literacy: Focus on the competence and knowledge aspects
MP Pahrudin
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 8 (1), 52-62, 2019
Bibliometric analysis of scientific literacy using VOS viewer: Analysis of science education
DN Effendi, I Irwandani, W Anggraini, A Jatmiko, H Rahmayanti, IZ Ichsan, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1796 (1), 012096, 2021
Pengembangan video blog (vlog) channel youtube dengan pendekatan stem sebagai media alternatif pembelajaran daring
M Iqbal, S Latifah, I Irwandani
Inovasi Pembangunan: Jurnal Kelitbangan 7 (2), 135-135, 2019
Pengembangan lembar kerja praktikum percobaan melde berbasis project based learning
W Widayanti, Y Yuberti, I Irwandani, A Hamid
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education …, 2018
The Effectiviness of SSCS Learning Model: Its impact on the students’ creative problem-solving ability on the concept of substance pressure
R Diani, H Herliantari, I Irwandani, A Saregar, R Umam
Jurnal Penelitian Fisika Dan Aplikasinya (JPFA) 9 (1), 65-77, 2019
Ethnoscience learning on science literacy of physics material to support environment: A meta-analysis research
D Nurcahyani, Y Yuberti, I Irwandani, H Rahmayanti, IZ Ichsan, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1796 (1), 012094, 2021
COVID-19 Outbreak on Environment: Profile of Islamic University Students in HOTS-AEP-COVID-19 and PEB-COVID-19.
IZ Ichsan, H Rahmayanti, A Purwanto, DV Sigit, A Ali, E Kurniawan, ...
Online Submission 5 (1), 167-178, 2020
Physics learning through active learning based interactive conceptual instructions (ALBICI) to improve critical thinking ability
R Diani, I Irwandani, AH Al-Hijrah, Y Yetri, D Fujiani, NS Hartati, R Umam
Jurnal Penelitian Dan Pembelajaran IPA 5 (1), 48-58, 2019
Developing memori on Newton’s laws: For identifying students’ mental models
NJ Fratiwi, A Samsudin, TR Ramalis, A Saregar, R Diani, Irwandani, ...
European Journal of Educational Research 9 (2), 699-708, 2020
Kotak Pop-Up Berbasis Problem Solving: Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran pada Materi Cahaya dan Alat-Alat Optik untuk Kelas VIII SMP
S Mahayani, I Irwandani, Y Yuberti, W Widayanti
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika dan IPA 9 (2), 98-108, 2018
Model Pembelajaran Kooperative Tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT): Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pemahaman Konsep
T Ulfia, I Irwandani
Indonesian Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 2 (1), 140-149, 2019
Esbor During Covid-19: Analysis Students Attitude for Develop 21st Century Environmental Learning
A Purwanto, IZ Ichsan, PWP Gomes, MDM Rahman, Irwandani
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 15 (7), 20-29, 2020
STEAM and Environment on students’ creative-thinking skills: A meta-analysis study
E Suganda, S Latifah, I Irwandani, PM Sari, H Rahmayanti, IZ Ichsan, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1796 (1), 012101, 2021
Media Poster dengan Pendekatan Etnosains: Pengembangan Bahan Ajar IPA Siswa Sekolah Dasar
I Fiteriani, NK Ningsih, I Irwandani, K Santi, R Romlah
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education …, 2021
STEAM in environment and science education: Analysis and bibliometric mapping of the research literature (2013-2020)
K Santi, SM Sholeh, I Irwandani, F Alatas, H Rahmayanti, IZ Ichsan, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1796 (1), 012097, 2021
The Guided Inquiry to Improve Students Mathematical Critical Thinking Skills Using Student’s Worksheet
M Yasin, D Jauhariyah, M Madiyo, R Rahmawati, F Farid, I Irwandani, ...
Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists 7 (4), 1345-1360, 2019
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Makaleler 1–20