Çiğdem Atakuman
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Cradle or crucible: Anatolia and archaeology in the early years of the Turkish Republic (1923—1938)
Ç Atakuman
Journal of Social Archaeology 8 (2), 214-235, 2008
Variable kinship patterns in Neolithic Anatolia revealed by ancient genomes
R Yaka, I Mapelli, D Kaptan, A Doğu, M Chyleński, ÖD Erdal, D Koptekin, ...
Current Biology 31 (11), 2455-2468. e18, 2021
Architectural discourse and social transformation during the early Neolithic of southeast Anatolia
Ç Atakuman
Journal of world prehistory 27, 1-42, 2014
Archaeogenomic analysis of the first steps of Neolithization in Anatolia and the Aegean
GM Kılınç, D Koptekin, Ç Atakuman, AP Sümer, HM Dönertaş, R Yaka, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1867), 20172064, 2017
Value of heritage in Turkey: History and politics of Turkey’s world heritage nominations
Ç Atakuman
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 23 (1), 107-31, 2010
Human inbreeding has decreased in time through the Holocene
FC Ceballos, K Gürün, NE Altınışık, HC Gemici, C Karamurat, D Koptekin, ...
Current Biology 31 (17), 3925-3934. e8, 2021
From monuments to miniatures: emergence of stamps and related image-bearing objects during the Neolithic
Ç Atakuman
Cambridge Archaeological Journal 25 (4), 759-788, 2015
Archaeogenetic analysis of Neolithic sheep from Anatolia suggests a complex demographic history since domestication
E Yurtman, O Özer, E Yüncü, ND Dağtaş, D Koptekin, YG Çakan, ...
Communications biology 4 (1), 1279, 2021
Spatial and temporal heterogeneity in human mobility patterns in Holocene Southwest Asia and the East Mediterranean
D Koptekin, E Yüncü, R Rodríguez-Varela, NE Altınışık, N Psonis, ...
Current Biology 33 (1), 41-57. e15, 2023
A genomic snapshot of demographic and cultural dynamism in Upper Mesopotamia during the Neolithic Transition
NE Altınışık, DD Kazancı, A Aydoğan, HC Gemici, ÖD Erdal, S Sarıaltun, ...
Science Advances 8 (44), eabo3609, 2022
Deciphering later Neolithic stamp seal imagery of Northern Mesopotamia
Ç Atakuman
Documenta Praehistorica 40, 247-264, 2013
Figurines of the Anatolian Early Bronze Age: the assemblage from Koçumbeli-Ankara
Ç Atakuman
Anatolian Studies 67, 85-108, 2017
Before the Neolithic in the Aegean: The Pleistocene and the Early Holocene record of Bozburun-Southwest Turkey
Ç Atakuman, B Erdoğu, HC Gemici, İ Baykara, M Karakoç, P Biagi, ...
The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 17 (3), 323-355, 2022
Digging pits and making places at Uğurlu during the sixth millennium BC
C Karamurat, Ç Atakuman, B Erdoğu
Oxford Journal of Archaeology 40 (1), 23-42, 2021
Geç Neolitik'te Zaman, Mekân ve Ritüel: Domuztepe'de İnsan, Mekân ve Nesne Gömüleri
Ç Atakuman, D Erdem
Ege Yayınları, 2015
Shifting discourses of heritage and identity in Turkey: Anatolianist ideologies and beyond
Ç Atakuman
In Search of Pre-Classical Antiquity: Rediscovering Ancient Peoples in …, 2017
Kuzey Mezopotamya Prehistoryası nın Terminolojik Sorunlarına Tarihsel bir Yaklaşım
Ç Atakuman
The Kahramanmaraş Archaeological Project Surveys-1997
E Carter, Ç Atakuman, C Hill, L Swartz
Bozburun Prehistorik Yüzey Araştırması 2018
Ç Atakuman, M Karakoç, HC Gemici, N Yücel
null, 2019
Neolitik Süreci Yeniden Tanımlamak: Güneydoğu Anadolu Neolitiğinde Mekan Kurgusu ve Sosyal İlişkiler
Ç Atakuman
Yerleşim Sistemleri ve Mekan Analizi TAS (1), 191-216, 2014
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Articles 1–20