Zhenyu Guo
Cited by
Cited by
Hard carbons for sodium-ion batteries and beyond
F Xie, Z Xu, Z Guo, MM Titirici
Progress in Energy 2 (4), 042002, 2020
The role of hydrothermal carbonization in sustainable sodium‐ion battery anodes
Z Xu, J Wang, Z Guo, F Xie, H Liu, H Yadegari, M Tebyetekerwa, MP Ryan, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (18), 2200208, 2022
Screening heteroatom configurations for reversible sloping capacity promises high‐power Na‐ion batteries
F Xie, Y Niu, Q Zhang, Z Guo, Z Hu, Q Zhou, Z Xu, Y Li, R Yan, Y Lu, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 61 (11), e202116394, 2022
Unveiling the role of hydrothermal carbon dots as anodes in sodium-ion batteries with ultrahigh initial coulombic efficiency
F Xie, Z Xu, ACS Jensen, F Ding, H Au, J Feng, H Luo, M Qiao, Z Guo, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (48), 27567-27575, 2019
Investigating The Superior Performance of Hard Carbon Anodes in Sodium-Ion Compared with lithium-and potassium-Ion Batteries
Z Guo, Z Xu, F Xie, J Jiang, K Zheng, S Alabidun, M Crespo Ribadeneyra, ...
Advanced Materials, 2304091, 2023
Homogenous metallic deposition regulated by defect-rich skeletons for sodium metal batteries
Z Xu#, Z Guo#, R Madhu, F Xie, R Chen, J Wang, M Tebyetekerwa, YS Hu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science, 2021
All‐cellulose‐based quasi‐solid‐state sodium‐ion hybrid capacitors enabled by structural hierarchy
Z Xu, F Xie, J Wang, H Au, M Tebyetekerwa, Z Guo, S Yang, YS Hu, ...
Advanced functional materials 29 (39), 1903895, 2019
Ultrafast synthesis of hard carbon anodes for sodium-ion batteries
Y Zhen, Y Chen, F Li, Z Guo, Z Hong, MM Titirici
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (42), e2111119118, 2021
Elucidating the effect of planar graphitic layers and cylindrical pores on the storage and diffusion of Li, Na, and K in carbon materials
E Olsson#, J Cottom#, H Au#, Z Guo#, ACS Jensen, H Alptekin, AJ Drew, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 30 (17), 1908209, 2020
Disordered carbon anodes for Na-ion batteries—quo vadis?
F Xie, Z Xu, Z Guo, Y Lu, L Chen, MM Titirici, YS Hu
Science China Chemistry 64, 1679-1692, 2021
Sustainable and scalable fabrication of high-performance hard carbon anode for Na-ion battery
Y Chen, F Li, Z Guo, Z Song, Y Lin, W Lin, L Zheng, Z Huang, Z Hong, ...
Journal of Power Sources 557, 232534, 2023
Iron, nitrogen Co‐doped carbon spheres as low cost, scalable electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction
J Feng, R Cai, E Magliocca, H Luo, L Higgins, GLF Romario, X Liang, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (46), 2102974, 2021
Strategies for High Energy Density Dual‐Ion Batteries Using Carbon‐Based Cathodes
Z Guo, Z Xu, F Xie, J Feng, M Titirici
Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research, 2100074, 2021
Effects of g-C3N4 Heterogenization into Intrinsically Microporous Polymers on the Photocatalytic Generation of Hydrogen Peroxide
Y Zhao, L Wang, R Malpass-Evans, NB McKeown, M Carta, JP Lowe, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (17), 19938-19948, 2022
A life cycle assessment of hard carbon anodes for sodium-ion batteries
H Liu#, Z Xu#, Z Guo#, J Feng, H Li, T Qiu, M Titirici
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2209), 20200340, 2021
In‐Situ‐Grown Cu Dendrites Plasmonically Enhance Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution on Facet‐Engineered Cu2O
H Zhang, J Diao, Y Liu, H Zhao, BKY Ng, Z Ding, Z Guo, H Li, J Jia, C Yu, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (42), 2305742, 2023
Achieving high initial Coulombic efficiency for competent Na storage by microstructure tailoring from chiral nematic nanocrystalline cellulose
F Xie#, Z Xu#, Z Guo#, ACS Jensen, J Feng, H Luo, F Ding, Y Lu, YS Hu, ...
Carbon Energy, 2022
Carbon Composite Anodes with Tunable Microstructures for Potassium‐Ion Batteries
S Zhang, AA Teck, Z Guo*, Z Xu*, MM Titirici*
Batteries & Supercaps 4 (4), 663-670, 2021
Pyridine functionalized carbon nanotubes: unveiling the role of external pyridinic nitrogen sites for oxygen reduction reaction
Y Xu, R Xie, Q Li, J Feng, H Luo, Q Ye, Z Guo, Y Cao, M Palma, G Chai, ...
Small 19 (45), 2302795, 2023
Kinetics Manipulation for Improved Solid Electrolyte Interphase and Reversible Na Storage
X Tang, F Xie, Y Lu, H Mao, Z Chen, H Pan, S Weng, Y Yang, X Li, Z Guo, ...
ACS Energy Letters 9 (3), 1158-1167, 2024
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Articles 1–20