Do prospective teachers get enough experience in school placements? N Boz, Y Boz Journal of Education for Teaching 32 (4), 353-368, 2006 | 176 | 2006 |
KİMYA VE MATEMATİK ÖĞRETMEN ADAYLARININ ÖĞRETMEN OLMA NEDENLERİ Y Boz, N Boz Kastamonu Education Journal 16 (1), 137-144, 2008 | 175 | 2008 |
The nature of integration among PCK components: A case study of two experienced chemistry teachers S Aydin, Y Boz Chemistry Education Research and Practice 14 (4), 615-624, 2013 | 152 | 2013 |
Cooperative learning instruction for conceptual change in the concepts of chemical kinetics ÖT Kırık, Y Boz Chemistry Education Research and Practice 13 (3), 221-236, 2012 | 140 | 2012 |
Turkish pupils’ conceptions of the particulate nature of matter Y Boz Journal of Science Education and Technology 15, 203-213, 2006 | 139 | 2006 |
Do pre-service chemistry teachers reflect their beliefs about constructivism in their teaching practices? E Uzuntiryaki, Y Boz, D Kirbulut, O Bektas Research in science education 40, 403-424, 2010 | 127 | 2010 |
The nature of the relationship between teaching concerns and sense of efficacy Y Boz, N Boz European Journal of Teacher Education 33 (3), 279-291, 2010 | 122 | 2010 |
A qualitative case study of prospective chemistry teachers’ knowledge about instructional strategies: Introducing particulate theory N Boz, Y Boz Journal of Science Teacher Education 19 (2), 135-156, 2008 | 116 | 2008 |
Mediated effects of technology competencies and experiences on relations among attitudes towards technology use, technology ownership, and self efficacy about technological … S Yerdelen-Damar, Y Boz, S Aydın-Günbatar Journal of Science Education and Technology 26, 394-405, 2017 | 114 | 2017 |
Turkish student teachers' concerns about teaching Y Boz European Journal of Teacher Education 31 (4), 367-377, 2008 | 102 | 2008 |
Review of Studies Related to Pedagogical Content Knowledge in the Context of Science Teacher Education: Turkish Case. S Aydin, Y Boz Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice 12 (1), 497-505, 2012 | 100 | 2012 |
Teknolojik Pedagojik Alan Bilgisi (TPAB) Kavramının Yakından İncelenmesi: İlköğretim Fen Bilgisi Öğretmen Adaylarının TPAB’ ının Modellemesi S Günbatar-Aydın,Sevgi, Yerdelen-Damar, Y Boz İlköğretim Online 16 (3), 917-934, 2017 | 99* | 2017 |
Examination of the topic-specific nature of pedagogical content knowledge in teaching electrochemical cells and nuclear reactions S Aydin, PM Friedrichsen, Y Boz, DL Hanuscin Chemistry Education Research and Practice 15 (4), 658-674, 2014 | 96 | 2014 |
Is case-based learning an effective teaching strategy to challenge students’ alternative conceptions regarding chemical kinetics? E Yalçınkaya, Ö Taştan-Kırık, Y Boz, D Yıldıran Research in Science & Technological Education 30 (2), 151-172, 2012 | 84 | 2012 |
Development of pre-service chemistry teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge A Cetin-Dindar, Y Boz, DY Sonmez, ND Celep Chemistry Education Research and Practice 19 (1), 167-183, 2018 | 78 | 2018 |
Turkish prospective chemistry teachers’ beliefs about chemistry teaching Y Boz, E Uzuntiryaki International Journal of Science Education 28 (14), 1647-1667, 2006 | 74 | 2006 |
Investigating the relationships among students’ self-efficacy beliefs, their perceptions of classroom learning environment, gender, and chemistry achievement through structural … Y Boz, S Yerdelen-Damar, N Aydemir, M Aydemir Research in Science & Technological Education 34 (3), 307-324, 2016 | 65 | 2016 |
Fen öğretmen eğitiminde pedagojik alan bilgisi araştırmalarının derlenmesi: Türkiye örneği S Aydın, Y Boz Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri 12 (1), 479-505, 2012 | 63 | 2012 |
Effectiveness of conceptual change text-oriented instruction on students’ understanding of energy in chemical reactions Ö Taştan, E Yalçınkaya, Y Boz Journal of Science Education and Technology 17, 444-453, 2008 | 57 | 2008 |
The contribution of constructivist instruction accompanied by concept mapping in enhancing pre-service chemistry teachers’ conceptual understanding of chemistry in the … S Aydin, N Aydemir, Y Boz, A Cetin-Dindar, O Bektas Journal of Science Education and Technology 18, 518-534, 2009 | 46 | 2009 |