Takip et
Özben Kutlu
Özben Kutlu
Solar Energy Institute, Ege University
ege.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Upgrading lignocellulosic waste to fuel by torrefaction: Characterisation and process optimization by response surface methodology
O Kutlu, G Kocar
International Journal of Energy Research 42 (15), 4746-4760, 2018
Biyogaz Teknolojileri
G Koçar, A Eryaşar, Ö Ersöz, Ş Arıcı, A Durmuş
Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi 1, 281, 2010
Cleaner and sustainable synthesis of high-quality monoglycerides by use of enzyme technologies: techno-economic and environmental study for monolaurin
A Mustafa, S Fathy, O Kutlu, F Niikura, A Inayat, M Mustafa, ...
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 25 (10), 3263-3283, 2023
Biyokütle Enerjisine Sektörel Yaklaşım: İzmir Örneği
G Koçar, A Eryaşar, Ö Ersöz, Ş Arıcı, AG Bayrakcı
Assessing primary areas for a sustainable biochar application in soil by using GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation
O Kutlu, F Aydin-Kandemir, H Sarptas
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 23, 2443-2455, 2021
Eco-friendly isopropyl myristate production in a fixed bed reactor: Leveraging energy-saving enzymatic techniques with a comprehensive evaluation of techno-economic feasibility
A Mustafa, MS Sadek, MF Abou Taleb, M Munir, O Kutlu, C Pastore, ...
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 68, 103860, 2024
Improving stability of torrefied biomass at cooling stage
O Kutlu, G Kocar
Renewable Energy 147, 814-823, 2020
Biochar from Residual Biomass in Turkey, and Possibility of Return to the Soil: An Estimation of the Supply and Demand
O Kutlu, G Kocar
Polish Journal of Agronomy, 10 - 24, 2017
Influence of thermal and alkali pretreatment to solubilisation and biomethane production of garden waste
Ş Arıcı, Ö Ersöz, AG Bayrakcı, A Eryaşar, G Koçar
International Journal of Global Warming 7 (2), 242-255, 2015
İzmir İli Yenilenebilir Enerji Sektör Analizi
G Koçar, M Güneş, A Eryaşar, NS Çetin, MS Çeliktaş, AG Bayrakcı, ...
ISBN:978-605- 359-911-1, 2012
Exergy analysis of solar energy assisted biogas plants for Turkey
O Ersoz, G Kocar
International Journal of Exergy 12 (2), 162-182, 2013
Converting lignocellulosic biomass into valuable end products for decentralized energy solutions: A comprehensive overview
A Mustafa, S Faisal, J Singh, B Rezki, K Kumar, VS Moholkar, O Kutlu, ...
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 72, 104065, 2024
Exergy analysis of petroleum refinery hydrogen network integration based on reaction system
MANAS Journal of Engineering 9 (Special 1), 10-23, 2021
Characteristics of products produced by torrefaction of poultry litter
O Kutlu, G Kocar
1st International Conference on Energy Systems Engineering (ICESE17), 98, 2017
Investigation of Torrefaction Process Condition According to Characterization and Process Yield for Poultry Litter
O Kutlu, G Kocar
International Conference on Engineering Technologies (ICENTE’17), 816 - 820, 2017
Available Residues and Potential Utilization of Biochar in Farm Lands for Turkey
O Ersoz, G Kocar
Bioeconomy In Agriculture, 2016
Commercial Biochar Production and Application
O Ersoz, G Kocar
10th International Clean Energy Symposium, 60-66, 2016
Application of torrefaction technology integrated with parabolic trough
O Ersoz, K Gunnur
SolarTR 2016 Solar Conference and Exhibition, 206-211, 2016
Concentrated Solar Power Assisted Torrefaction Technologies
O Ersoz, G Kocar
SolarTR 2014 Solar Conference and Exhibition, 695-698, 2014
Availability of Biochar in Agricultural and Energy Sector for the Province of İzmir
O Ersoz, G Kocar
Renewable Energy Sources Energy Policy and Energy Management 1 (1), 117-124, 2013
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