Nalan Erdol Aydin
Nalan Erdol Aydin
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Effect of temperature on drug release: production of 5-FU-encapsulated hydroxyapatite-gelatin polymer composites via spray drying and analysis of in vitro kinetics
NE Aydin
International Journal of Polymer Science 2020, 13, 2020
Modelling of trona based spray dry scrubbing of SO2
N Erdol-Aydin, G Nasun-Saygılı
Chemical Engineering Journal 126 (1), 45-50, 2007
In situ biomimetic synthesis to produce hydroxyapatite–polyvinyl alcohol biocomposites: precipitation and spray drying methods
T Başargan, N Erdol-Aydin, G Nasün-Saygili
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering 55 (5), 447-452, 2016
Effect of coal moisture on particulate emission in a fixed bed combustion appliance
N Erdol, L Çalli, H Okutan, A Arisoy, E Ekinci
Fuel Processing Technology 58 (2-3), 109-117, 1999
Hydroxyapatite-chitosan biocomposites synthesized in the simulated body fluid and their drug loading studies
T Basargan, N Erdol-Aydin, G Nasun-Saygili
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 28, 1-10, 2017
Optimization of 5-FU adsorption on gelatin incorporated graphene oxide nanocarrier and application for antitumor activity
E Kahraman, NE Aydin, G Nasun-Saygili
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology 80, 104153, 2023
Photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin from water with waste polystyrene and TiO2 composites
T Hayri-Senel, E Kahraman, S Sezer, N Erdol-Aydin, G Nasun-Saygili
Heliyon 10 (3), 2024
Hidroksiapatit-Jelatin ve Hidroksiapatit-Kitosan Biyokompozitlerin Yapay Vücut Sıvısı Ortamında Üretimi Sırasında 5-FU İlacının Yüklenmesi ve İlaç Salım Çalışmaları
Journal of Science and Technology 11 (3), 587-605, 2018
Photocatalytic degradation of ciprofloxacin by using tannin-doped BaTiO3 catalyst
S Sezer, P Demircivi, NE Aydin, GN Saygili
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 451, 115468, 2024
Spray dried hydroxyapatite-polyvinyl alcohol biocomposites
T Başargan, N Erdol-Aydin, G Nasün-Saygılı
Journal of Polymer Engineering 36 (8), 795-804, 2016
Effect of coal volatile matter on emissions of boiler combustion
E Böke, H Okutan, N Erdöl Aydın
Twenty-Seventh Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Istanbul …, 2010
Column experiments to remove copper from wastewaters using natural zeolite
NE Aydin, GN Saygili
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 3 (3-4), 319-326, 2009
Boron Removal by Means of Precipitation Process with Magnesium Hydroxide
NE Aydin
Advanced Materials Research 699, 262-267, 2013
Drug loading of tannic acid crosslinked hydroxyapatite/gelatin composites via spray dryer and kinetic studies
IB Gumus, E Kahraman, N Erdol-Aydin, G Nasun-Saygili
Drying Technology 41 (16), 2688-2702, 2023
Synthesis of graphene oxide for boron removal: equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies
MF Onen, NE Aydin, O Eksik, P Demircivi, GN Saygili
Effect of Coal Moisture on Emissions of Boiler Combustion
E Boke, N Erdol Aydin, A Ozturk, A Arısoy, E Ekrem, H Okutan
10th International Conference on Coal Sciences (ICCS’ 99), 515-518, 1999
Removal of zinc from wastewaters using Turkish bentonite and artificial neural network [ANN] modeling
E Uraz, T Hayri-Senel, N Erdol-Aydin, G Nasun-Saygili
Heliyon 10 (20), 2024
Research on Drug Loading Performance of Hydroxiapatite-Gelatin Composites by Co-precipication Method
NE Aydin, E Kahraman, GN Saygili
Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7 (4), 212-217, 2019
Removal of boron from wastewaters using valonia-tannin-based biosorbent produced via spray drying
N Erdol-Aydin, S Sezer, B Esin, G Nasun-Saygili
Adsorption Science & Technology 42, 02636174241266707, 2024
Investigation of boron adsorption by graphene oxide: equilibrium, kinetic, and thermodynamic studies
MF Önen, NE Aydin, O Eksik, P Demirçivi, G Saygili
Turkish Journal of Chemistry 47 (3), 656-666, 2023
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