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Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder by exposure and/or cognitive restructuring: A controlled study
I Marks, K Lovell, H Noshirvani, M Livanou, S Thrasher
Archives of general psychiatry 55 (4), 317-325, 1998
Psychiatric and cognitive effects of war in former Yugoslavia: Association of lack of redress for trauma and posttraumatic stress reactions
M Bažošlu, M Livanou, C Crnobarić, T Frančišković, E Suljić, D Đurić, ...
Jama 294 (5), 580-590, 2005
Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression in earthquake survivors in Turkey: an epidemiological study
M Bažoǧlu, C Kiliē, E Žalcioǧlu, M Livanou
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2004
Traumatic stress responses in earthquake survivors in Turkey
M Bažoǧlu, E Žalcioǧlu, M Livanou
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2002
Psychological preparedness for trauma as a protective factor in survivors of torture
M Bažošlu, S Mineka, M Paker, T Aker, M Livanou, Ž Gök
Psychological medicine 27 (6), 1421-1433, 1997
Long-term psychological outcome for non-treatment-seeking earthquake survivors in Turkey
E Salcioglu, M Basoglu, M Livanou
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 191 (3), 154-160, 2003
Torture vs other cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment: is the distinction real or apparent?
M Bažošlu, M Livanou, C Crnobarić
Archives of general psychiatry 64 (3), 277-285, 2007
A randomized controlled study of single-session behavioural treatment of earthquake-related post-traumatic stress disorder using an earthquake simulator
M BAŽOŠLU, E Žalciošlu, M Livanou
Psychological medicine 37 (2), 203-213, 2007
Single‐session behavioral treatment of earthquake‐related posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized waiting list controlled trial
M Bažošlu, E Žalcżošlu, M Livanou, D Kalender, G Acar
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2005
Traumatic stress responses in treatment-seeking earthquake survivors in Turkey
M Livanou, M Bassoglu, E Ssalcioglu, D Kalendar
The Journal of nervous and mental disease 190 (12), 816-823, 2002
A study of the validity of a screening instrument for traumatic stress in earthquake survivors in Turkey
M Bažoglu, E Žalcżoglu, M Livanou, M Özeren, T Aker, C Kżlżē, ...
Journal of traumatic stress 14, 491-509, 2001
Post‐traumatic stress disorder and comorbid depression among survivors of the 1999 earthquake in Turkey
E Salcioglu, M Basoglu, M Livanou
Disasters 31 (2), 115-129, 2007
A brief behavioural treatment of chronic post-traumatic stress disorder in earthquake survivors: results from an open clinical trial
M Bažošlu, M Livanou, E Žalciošlu, D Kalender
Psychological Medicine 33 (4), 647-654, 2003
Earthquake-related psychological distress and associated factors 4 years after the Parnitha earthquake in Greece
M Livanou, Y Kasvikis, M Bažošlu, P Mytskidou, V Sotiropoulou, ...
European Psychiatry 20 (2), 137-144, 2005
Beliefs, sense of control and treatment outcome in post-traumatic stress disorder
M Livanou, M BaoŽŠLu, IM Marks, P De Silva, H Noshirvani, K Lovell, ...
Psychological Medicine 32 (1), 157-165, 2002
Cognitive-behavioral treatment of tortured asylum seekers: a case study
M Bažošlu, S Ekblad, S Bäärnhielm, M Livanou
Journal of anxiety disorders 18 (3), 357-369, 2004
Effects of live exposure on symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder: The role of reduced behavioral avoidance in improvement
E Žalcżošlu, M Bažošlu, M Livanou
Behaviour research and therapy 45 (10), 2268-2279, 2007
A single session with an earthquake simulator for traumatic stress in earthquake survivors
M Bažošlu, M Livanou, E Žalcżošlu
American Journal of Psychiatry 160 (4), 788-790, 2003
Double-blindness procedures, rater blindness, and ratings of outcome: observations from a controlled trial
M Basoglu, I Marks, M Livanou, R Swinson
Archives of general psychiatry 54 (8), 744-748, 1997
Exploring the experiences of people vlogging about severe mental illness on YouTube: An interpretative phenomenological analysis
I Sangeorzan, P Andriopoulou, M Livanou
Journal of Affective Disorders 246, 422-428, 2019
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