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Estimation of wind power potential using Weibull distribution
A Genc, M Erisoglu, A Pekgor, G Oturanc, A Hepbasli, K Ulgen
Energy Sources 27 (9), 809-822, 2005
An evaluation of the operational efficiency of Turkish airports using data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist productivity index: 2009–2014 case
HH Örkcü, C Balıkçı, MI Dogan, A Genç
Transport Policy 48, 92-104, 2016
New shrinkage parameters for the Liu-type logistic estimators
Y Asar, A Genç
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 45 (3), 1094-1103, 2016
A new two-parameter estimator for the Poisson regression model
Y Asar, A Genç
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science 42, 793-803, 2018
Modified ridge regression parameters: A comparative Monte Carlo study
Y Asar, A Karaibrahimoğlu, A Genç
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 43 (5), 827-841, 2014
Assessment of wind characteristics for energy generation
K Ulgen, A Genc, A Hepbasli, G Oturanc
Energy Sources 26 (13), 1227-1237, 2004
Konya ili yem bitkileri üreticilerinin sosyo-ekonomik yapıları ile başarılı üretimi etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi
U Karadavut, A Genç, Ç Palta, DA Çarkacı, K Kökten
Bingöl Ünversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 2011
Statistical analysis of solar radiation data
G Oturanc, A Hepbasli, A Genc
Energy sources 25 (11), 1089-1097, 2003
Two-parameter ridge estimator in the binary logistic regression
Y Asar, A Genç
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 46 (9), 7088-7099, 2017
Toprak özelliklerinin mekansal değişim desenlerinin jeoistatistiksel yöntemlerle belirlenmesi
H Başbozkurt, T Öztaş, A Karaibrahimoğlu, R Gündoğan, A Genç
Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 44 (2), 169-181, 2013
Relationships between chemical composition and seed yield of some lentil (Lens culinaris) cultivars
U Karadavut, A Genç
Friends Science Publ, 2010
Hataları değişen varyanslı ve otokorelasyonlu lineer olmayan regresyonda parametre tahmini
İ Kınacı, A Genç
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 1 (20), 55-68, 2002
A note on some new modifications of ridge estimators
Y Asar, A Genç
Kuwait Journal of Science 44 (3), 2017
Some new modifications of Kibria’s and Dorugade’s methods: An application to Turkish GDP data
A Karaibrahimoğlu, Y Asar, A Genç
Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied …, 2016
Artificial neural network training models in prediction of concrete compressive strength using euclidean normalization method, 3rd Int
B Akdemir, S Güneş, A Genç
Conf. on Complex Systems and Applications-ICCSA 2009, 160-165, 2009
Simple correlations for estimating the energy production of Turkey
A Hepbasli, G Oturanc, A Kurnaz, E Ergin, A Genc, N Iyit
Energy sources 24 (9), 855-867, 2002
Generalized linear models for European Union countries energy data
N İyıt, H Yonar, A Genç
Acta Physica Polonica A 130 (1), 397-400, 2016
Analysis of repeated measures for continuoes response data using General Linear Model and Mixed Models
N İyit, A Genç, F Arslan
Proceedings of the international conference on modeling and simulation …, 2006
Nohut Cicer arietinum L. Bitkisinde Verime Etki Eden Bazı Karakterlerin Alternatif Regresyon Yöntemleriyle Karşılaştırılması
U Karadavut, A Genç, A Tozluca, İ Kınacı, Ş Aksoyak, Ç Palta, A Pekgör
Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11 (03), 328-333, 2005
Lojistik Regresyon Analizi Yardımıyla Denekte Menopoz Evresine Geçişe İlişkin Bir Sınıflandırma Modelinin Elde Edilmesi
N İyit, A Genç
Selçuk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Fen Dergisi 1 (25), 19-28, 2005
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