Anthony Kwong
Anthony Kwong
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Cited by
Effect of manganese contamination on the solid-electrolyte-interphase properties in Li-ion batteries
C Delacourt, A Kwong, X Liu, R Qiao, WL Yang, P Lu, SJ Harris, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160 (8), A1099, 2013
High‐Strength Nanotwinned Al Alloys with 9R Phase
Q Li, S Xue, J Wang, S Shao, AH Kwong, A Giwa, Z Fan, Y Liu, Z Qi, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (11), 1704629, 2018
Water uptake of fuel-cell catalyst layers
A Kusoglu, A Kwong, KT Clark, HP Gunterman, AZ Weber
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159 (9), F530, 2012
Liquid-water-droplet adhesion-force measurements on fresh and aged fuel-cell gas-diffusion layers
PK Das, A Grippin, A Kwong, AZ Weber
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 159 (5), B489, 2012
High performance ultrathin GaAs solar cells enabled with heterogeneously integrated dielectric periodic nanostructures
SM Lee, A Kwong, D Jung, J Faucher, R Biswas, L Shen, D Kang, ML Lee, ...
ACS nano 9 (10), 10356-10365, 2015
Hydrophobic gas-diffusion media for polymer-electrolyte fuel cells by direct fluorination
T Van Nguyen, A Ahosseini, X Wang, V Yarlagadda, A Kwong, AZ Weber, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 162 (14), F1451, 2015
Anode-design strategies for improved performance of polymer-electrolyte fuel cells with ultra-thin electrodes
AJ Steinbach, JS Allen, RL Borup, DS Hussey, DL Jacobson, A Komlev, ...
Joule 2 (7), 1297-1312, 2018
Dramatically enhanced performance of flexible micro-VCSELs via thermally engineered heterogeneous composite assemblies
D Kang, SM Lee, A Kwong, J Yoon
Opt. Mater 3, 1072-1078, 2015
Water uptake in PEMFC catalyst layers
HP Gunterman, A Kwong, JT Gostick, A Kusoglu, AZ Weber
Ecs Transactions 41 (1), 647, 2011
High performance ultrathin GaAs solar cells
SM Lee, A Kwong, D Jung, J Faucher, L Shen, R Biswas, ML Lee, J Yoon
2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 1-4, 2015
Physicochemical Characterization of Fuel-Cell Diffusion Media
PK Das, S Haussener, A Kwong, G Hwang, HP Gunterman, AZ Weber
ASME 2012 10th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and …, 2012
Water Uptake in PEMFC Catalyst Layers
A Kwong, H Gunterman, JT Gostick, KT Clark, A Kusoglu, AZ Weber
ECS Meeting Abstracts, 830, 2011
Material design strategies for improved performance of polymer-electrolyte fuel cells with ultra-thin electrodes
AJ Steinbach, JS Allen, RL Borup, S Daniel, DL Jacobson, A Komlev, ...
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Articles 1–13