Yucel Yilmaz
Yucel Yilmaz
E.Professor of Geology,Istanbul Technical University
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Tethyan evolution of Turkey: a plate tectonic approach
AMC Şengör, Y Yilmaz
Tectonophysics 75 (3-4), 181-241, 1981
Genesis of collision volcanism in Eastern Anatolia, Turkey
JA Pearce, JF Bender, SE De Long, WSF Kidd, PJ Low, Y Güner, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 44 (1-2), 189-229, 1990
Geology and tectonic evolution of the Pontides
Y Yilmaz
Regional and petroleum geology of the Black Sea and surrounding region, 1997
When did the western Anatolian grabens begin to develop?
Y Yilmaz, ŞC Genç, F Gürer, M Bozcu, K Yilmaz, Z Karacik, Ş Altunkaynak, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 173 (1), 353-384, 2000
Tectonics of the Mediterranean Cimmerides; Nature and Evolution of Western Termination of Paleo-Tethys;
C Şengör, A,M, Y Yılmaz, O Sungurlu
Geol. Soc London Spec. Publ. 17 (1), 77-112, 1985
New evidence and model on the evolution of the southeast Anatolian orogen
Geological Society of America Bulletin 105 (2), 251-271, 1993
Comparison of young volcanic associations of western and eastern Anatolia formed under a compressional regime: a review
Y Yilmaz
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 44 (1-2), 69-87, 1990
Geology of the quaternary volcanic centres of the east Anatolia
Y Yılmaz, Y Güner, F Şaroğlu
Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 85 (1-4), 173-210, 1998
Remnants of a pre–Late Jurassic ocean in northern Turkey: fragments of Permian-Triassic Paleo-Tethys?
AMC SengOr, Y Yilmaz, I Ketin
Geological Society of America Bulletin 91 (10), 599-609, 1980
Ophiolitic and metamorphic assemblages of southeast Anatolia and their significance in the geological evolution of the orogenic belt
Y Yilmaz, E Yiğitbaş, ŞC Genç
Tectonics 12 (5), 1280-1297, 1993
An approach to the origin of young volcanic rocks of western Turkey
Y Yilmaz
Tectonic evolution of the Tethyan region, 159-189, 1989
Two contrasting magmatic associations of NW Anatolia and their tectonic significance
Y Yılmaz, ŞC Genç, Z Karacık, Ş Altunkaynak
Journal of Geodynamics 31 (3), 243-271, 2001
Initiation of Neovolcanism in the East Anatolia
Y Yılmaz, F Şaroğlu, Y Güner
Tectonophysics 34 (2), 177-194, 1987
Doğu Anadolu’da neotektonik dönemdeki jeolojik evrim ve havza modelleri
F Şaroğlu, Y Yılmaz
MTA dergisi 107, 73-94, 1986
The geodynamics of the Aegean and Anatolia: introduction
T Taymaz, Y Yilmaz, Y Dilek
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 291 (1), 1-16, 2007
Geological evolution of the late Mesozoic continental margin of Northwestern Anatolia
Y Yılmaz, ŞC Genç, E Yiǧitbaş, M Bozcu, K Yılmaz
Tectonophysics 243 (1-2), 155-171, 1995
Türkiye’de Tetis’ in evrimi: Levha tektoniği açısından bir yaklaşım
AMC Şengör, Y Yılmaz
Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Yerbilimleri Özel Dizisi 1, 75, 1983
Geology of the ignimbrites and the associated volcano–plutonic complex of the Ezine area, northwestern Anatolia
Z Karacık, Y Yılmaz
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 85 (1-4), 251-264, 1998
The Çubukludağ graben, south of İzmir: its tectonic significance in the Neogene geological evolution of the western Anatolia
CŞ Genç, Ş Altunkaynak, Z Karacık, M Yazman, Y Yılmaz
Geodinamica Acta 14 (1-3), 45-55, 2001
Pontidlerde Neotetisin kuzey kolunun açılmasına ilişkin sedimentolojik veriler
N Görür, AMC Şengör, R Akkök, Y Yılmaz
Türkiye Jeoloji Kurumu Bülteni 26 (1), 11-20, 1983
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