CoCoNet: towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (from the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential F Boero, F Foglini, S Fraschetti, P Goriup, E Macpherson, S Planes, ... Deakin University, 2016 | 94 | 2016 |
Domoic acid production by Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle (bacillariophyta) isolated from the Black Sea S Besiktepe, L Ryabushko, D Ediger, D Yilmaz, A Zenginer, V Ryabushko, ... Harmful Algae 7 (4), 438-442, 2008 | 78 | 2008 |
Annual variations in biochemical composition of size fractionated particulate matter and zooplankton abundance and biomass in Mersin Bay, NE Mediterranean Sea AZ Yżlmaz, S Besiktepe Journal of Marine Systems 81 (3), 260-271, 2010 | 29 | 2010 |
Toxic diatom of Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha Lundholm, Moestrup et Hasle from the Black Sea: Morphology, taxonomy, ecology LI Ryabushko, S Besiktepe, D Ediger, D Yilmaz, A Zenginer, ... Mar. Ecol. J. ECOSI Gidrofiz 7, 51-60, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Annual Variations Of Zooplankton Biomass And Abundance In Mersin Bay (Nemediterranean Sea) A Zenginer, S Besiktepe Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Medit 38, 2007, 2007 | 8 | 2007 |