Osman Furkan Abbasoglu
Osman Furkan Abbasoglu
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Cited by
Concentration, competition, efficiency and profitability of the Turkish banking sector in the post-crises period
OF Abbasoglu, AF Aysan, A Gunes
Banks & bank systems, 106-115, 2007
The Turkish current account deficit
OF Abbasoğlu, A İmrohoroğlu, A Kabukçuoğlu
Economic Inquiry 57 (1), 515-536, 2019
OF Abbasoglu, AF Aysan, A Gunes
Competition, Efficiency and, 2007
Cross-sectional facts on bank balance sheets over the business cycle
OF Abbasoglu, S Genc, Y Mimir
Central Bank Review 15 (2), 31, 2015
Концентрація, конкуренція, ефективність та рентабельність банківського сектора Туреччини в посткризові періоди
ОФ Аббасоглу, АФ Айсан, А Гунес
Українська академія банківської справи Національного банку України, 2007
Para politikası araçları ve makro ihtiyati tedbirlerin kredi büyümesi üzerine etkileri: banka büyüklüğü ve kredi türünün önemi
OF Abbasoğlu, Ş Genç İleri, Y Mimir
ICPESS Kongresi, 2018
Determinants of Credit Growth in Turkey: Does Size Matter?
OF Abbasoglu, SG Ileri, Y Mimir
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. Retrieved from http://erf. org. eg …, 2015
Life-Cycle Analysis with an Increasing Wage Profile
OF Abbasoglu
Available at SSRN 1961338, 2011
Central Bank Collateral Framework as an Unconventional Policy Tool
OF Abbasoglu, B Kanık, Y Mimir
The Impact of Macroprudential and Monetary Policies on Credit Growth Rate: Bank Size and Credit Type
SG Ileri, OF Abbasoglu, Y Mimir
ICPESS (International Congress on Politic, Economic and Social Studies), 2018
The impact of macroprudential and monetary policies on credit growth rate: Bank size and credit type.
F Abbasoğlu, Ş Genç İleri, Y Mimir
26. EBES (Eurasia Business and Economics Society) konferansı 24-26 Ekim 2018, 2018
Optimal Health Insurance in the Presence of Risky Health Behaviors
OF Abbasoglu
Essays on macroeconomics of health and labor
OF Abbasoglu
University of Southern California, 2013
Peter Spicka Financial Stability Issues at Central Banks 4 Marion Mühlberger Banking in South Eastern Europe: Moving into the Spotlight 17
M Bertus, JS Jahera Jr, K Yost, JR Barth, T Phumiwasana, T Li, G Yago, ...
The Collateral Framework as an Unconventional Monetary Policy Tool
OF Abbasoglu, B Kanık, Y Mimir
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Articles 1–15