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Jiyoon Jung
Jiyoon Jung
Associate Professor, Valdosta State University
valdosta.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Examining the TPACK framework through the convergent and discriminant validity of two measures
TJ Kopcha, A Ottenbreit-Leftwich, J Jung, D Baser
Computers & Education 78, 87-96, 2014
Learning technology integration from a service-learning project: Connecting preservice teachers to real-world problems
X Jia, J Jung, A Ottenbreit-Leftwich
Journal of Experiential Education 41 (3), 261-276, 2018
Course‐level modeling of preservice teacher learning of technology integration
J Jung, A Ottenbreit‐Leftwich
British Journal of Educational Technology 51 (2), 555-571, 2020
Is digital inequality a part of preservice teachers’ reasoning about technology integration decisions?
J Jung, ACE Ding, YH Lu, A Ottenbreit-Leftwich, K Glazewski
American Behavioral Scientist 64 (7), 994-1011, 2020
Video as context and conduit for problem-based learning
CE Hmelo-Silver, J Jung, S Lajoie, Y Yu, J Lu, J Wiseman, LK Chan
Educational technologies in medical and health sciences education, 57-77, 2016
Matching data-driven models of group interactions to video analysis of collaborative problem solving on tablet computers
L Paquette, N Bosch, E Mercier, J Jung, S Shehab, Y Tong
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.[ISLS]., 2018
Learners interpreting instructional images: Meaning-making and decision-making strategies
E Boling, CM Gray, MG Modell, A Altuwaijri, J Jung
Journal of Visual Literacy 33 (2), 27-52, 2014
Collaborative learning in the flipped university classroom: Identifying team process factors
S Shin, K Kwon, J Jung
Sustainability 14 (12), 7173, 2022
How Do Prompts Shape Preservice Teachers’ Reflections? A Case Study in an Online Technology Integration Class
J Jung, YH Lu, ACE Ding
Journal of Teacher Education, 00224871211056936, 2021
Design and implementation of a technology-supported socioscientfic inquiry unit in high school biology
T Brush, S Shin, S Shin, J Jung, J Gensic, K Glazewski
International Journal of Designs for Learning 7 (2), 2016
A sociological view on designing a sustainable online community for k–12 teachers: A systematic review
D Lee, J Jung, S Shin, A Otternbreit-Leftwich, K Glazewski
Sustainability 12 (22), 9742, 2020
Impact of learning presence on learner interaction and outcome in web-based project learning
MH Kang, JY Jung, MS Park, HJ Park
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Computer supported …, 2009
Models and design JudgMent: ConfliCting PersPeCtives on redesigning a doCtoral readings Course
C Gray, J Jung, C Watson, X Jia, T Frick
International Journal of Designs for Learning 3 (1), 2012
Preparation of visual materials to study how EFL learners use images in the learning process
J Jung, C Gray, CD Howard, MG Modell, C Yildrim, E Boling
Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT …, 2011
The use of clay modeling to increase high school biology vocabulary learning
R Bailey, D Kim, MJ Bochenko, C Yang, DC Dees, J Jung
Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning 15 (2), 232-244, 2022
Defined and enacted threshold concepts in engineering education: Applied competencies within multi-level systems
A Gomoll, K Glazewski, CE Hmelo-Silve, T Brush, J Jung
Threshold Concepts in Problem-Based Learning, 65-80, 2018
Case-based instructional practices: a multiple-case study from torts, marketing, and online instructional design classes
J Jung
Indiana University, 2017
Design-based implementation research: milestones and trade-offs in designing a collaborative representation tool for engineering classrooms
J Jung, E Mercier
Educational technology research and development 71 (6), 2457-2481, 2023
The Role of Social Presence in MOOC Students’ Behavioral Intentions and Sentiments Toward the Usage of a Learning Assistant Chatbot: A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion …
S Han, J Jung, H Ji, U Lee, M Liu
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education, 236-241, 2023
The relationship of presence level, satisfaction and achievement
M Kang, JI Kang, J Jung
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International …, 2008
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