Selin Akyuz
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Cited by
“We are forgotten”: forced migration, sexual and gender-based violence, and coronavirus disease-2019
J Phillimore, S Pertek, S Akyuz, H Darkal, J Hourani, P McKnight, ...
Violence against women 28 (9), 2204-2230, 2022
The Conceptualization problem in research and responses to sexual and gender-based violence in forced migration
S Ozcurumez, S Akyuz, H Bradby
Journal of gender studies 30 (1), 66-78, 2021
“Overcome your anger if you are a man”: Silencing women's agency to voice violence against women
S Akyüz, F Sayan-Cengiz
Women's Studies International Forum 57, 1-10, 2016
Faces and phases of women’s empowerment: The case of women’s cooperatives in Turkey
K Cinar, S Akyuz, M Ugur-Cinar, E Onculer-Yayalar
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 28 (3 …, 2021
When Syrian ‘girls’ meet Turkish ‘boys’: Mapping gendered stories of mixed marriages
S Akyuz, Ö Tursun
Middle East Critique 28 (1), 29-49, 2019
Geographies of shame: Diachronic and transnational shame in forced migrants with experiences of sexual and gender-based violence
A Papoutsi, J Phillimore, S Akyüz, H Bradby, L Goodson, C Vaughan
Journal of Refugee Studies 35 (3), 1221-1249, 2022
The political economy of women's cooperatives in Turkey: A social reproduction perspective
M Ugur‐Cinar, K Cinar, E Onculer‐Yayalar, S Akyuz
Gender, Work & Organization 31 (4), 1268-1289, 2024
Married to Anatolian Tigers: business masculinities, relationalities, and limits to empowerment
S Akyüz, F Sayan-Cengiz, A Çırakman, D Cindoğlu
Women’s Empowerment in Turkey and Beyond, 127-151, 2020
Political manhood in 2000's Turkey: Representations of different masculinities in politics
S Akyüz
PQDT-Global, 2012
Forced migration, SGBV and COVID-19: Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the forced migrant survivors of SGBV
S Pertek
Yerel siyasette toplumsal cinsiyet: Kadınların yerel düzeyde temsilli
D Cindoğlu, A Saktanber, S BÖLÜKBAŞI ÖZÇÜRÜMEZ, ...
Gendered (In) Securities: Refugee Camps in Southeastern Turkey
S Akyüz, B Coskun
J. Conflict Transformation Security 4 (1-2), 2014
An action research report on the rising democracy discourse in 2000's Turkey: Does Eros contour the demos?
D Cindoglu, A Boynukara, S Akyuz, EA Bekaroğlu
Women's Studies International Forum 30 (6), 465-473, 2007
Ethnic conflict and gender inequality in education: the case of Turkey
R Kılınç, J Neathery-Castro, S Akyüz
Turkish Studies 19 (3), 400-421, 2018
Face me if you are a man!: Turkish Political Masculinities
S Akyuz
OXFEP 1 (1), 2018
Something is (still) missing? Feminist services for forced migrants surviving sexual and gender-based violence in Sweden, Australia, Turkey and the United Kingdom
H Bradby, A Papoutsi, J Hourani, S Akyuz, J Phillimore
Women's Studies International Forum 98, 102697, 2023
Erkekliğin yol hali:“Sarı Mercedes” ve “Otobüs” filmlerinde erkeklik kurguları
S Akyüz, B Dabak
Fe Dergi 9 (1), 79-91, 2017
Performances of Populist Radical Right and Political Masculinities: A Comparative Study of Orbán and Wilders
F Sayan-Cengiz, S Akyüz
Moving the Social 65, 37-59, 2021
What is the nature of SGBV
S Ozcurumez, H Bradby, C Akyuz
IRiS Working Paper Series, 2019
Şiddetsiz erkeklik atölyeleri el kitabı
NY Sünbüloğlu, B Gözcü, Ç Günay-Erkol, G Sayılan, S Akyüz
Özyeğin Üniversitesi ve Eleştirel Erkeklik İncelemeleri İnisiyatifi (EEİİ), 2021
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