Ugur Yahsi
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Cited by
Molecular weight‐dependence of free volume in polystyrene studied by positron annihilation measurements
Z Yu, U Yahsi, JD McGervey, AM Jamieson, R Simha
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 32 (16), 2637-2644, 1994
Statistical thermodynamics of hydrocarbon fluids: scaling parameters and their group contributions
R Simha, U Yahsi
Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 91 (16), 2443-2455, 1995
Decoding polymer architecture effect on ion clustering, chain dynamics, and ionic conductivity in polymer electrolytes
R Bakar, S Darvishi, U Aydemir, U Yahsi, C Tav, YZ Menceloglu, ...
ACS Applied Energy Materials 6 (7), 4053-4064, 2023
Linking the viscous and vacancy behavior of high molecular weight hydrocarbons
U Yahsi, F Sahin
Rheologica acta 43, 159-167, 2004
Viscous behavior of linear and three‐branch alkanes: Linking the equilibrium and transport theories
U Yahsi
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 37 (9), 879-887, 1999
On the ionic conductivity of polymer electrolytes in terms of hole fraction
U Yahsi, K Ulutas, C Tav, D Deger
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 46 (20), 2249-2254, 2008
Equation of state of poly (dimethylsiloxane) melts
VK Sachdev, U Yahsi, RK Jain
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 36 (5), 841-850, 1998
Linking the viscous and vacancy behavior of mixtures of high-molecular-weight hydrocarbons
F Sahin, C Tav, U Yahsi
International journal of thermophysics 27, 1501-1514, 2006
Interrelationships between PVT and flow behavior of linear and nonlinear hydrocarbons
U Yahsi
Polymer Engineering & Science 38 (3), 464-470, 1998
Relaxation time of polypropylene glycol and polypropylene glycol dimethylether-like polymers in terms of fluid-phase temperature and pressure dependent hole fraction
U Yahsi, B Coskun, A Yumak, K Boubaker, C Tav
European Polymer Journal 68, 226-232, 2015
Viscous behavior of PS, PP, and ABS in terms of temperature and pressure‐dependent hole fraction
G Akdeniz, U Yahsi, C Tav
Journal of applied polymer science 117 (1), 110-113, 2010
Ionic conductivity of PVdF-co-HFP/LiClO4 in terms of free volume defects probed by positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
U Yahsi, H Deligöz, C Tav, K Ulutaş, D Değer, S Yılmaztürk, G Erdemci, ...
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 174 (3-4), 214-228, 2019
The effect of hole fraction on viscosity in atactic and syndiotactic polystyrenes
F Sahin-Dinc, A Sorrentino, C Tav, U Yahsi
International Journal of Thermophysics 36, 3239-3254, 2015
Thermal and size effect on the R lines luminescence in YAG: Cr3+
M Erdem, G Ozen, U Yahsi, B Di Bartolo
Journal of Luminescence 158, 464-468, 2015
On the non‐newtonian viscous behavior of polymer melts in terms of temperature and pressure‐dependent hole fraction
FS Dinc, T Sedlacek, C Tav, U Yahsi
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131 (15), 2014
A detailed survey for determination of the grafted semifluorinated acrylic compound effect on thermal, microstructural, free volume, mechanical and morphological features of HDPE
U Soykan, BO Sen, S Cetin, U Yahsi, C Tav
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 233, 109511, 2020
Interrelationships of pressure‐dependent hole fraction and elongational viscosity in polymer melts
F Sahin-Dinc, U Yahsi, T Sedlacek
Advances in Polymer Technology 2019 (1), 9493769, 2019
Effect of free volume on curcumin release from various polymer-based composite films analyzed using positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
JW Rhim, S Kuzeci, S Roy, N Akti, C Tav, U Yahsi
Materials 14 (19), 5679, 2021
The magnetic field dependency of hydrogenic impurity binding energy under inverse lateral parabolic potential
S Elagoz, P Başer, U Yahşi
Physica B: Condensed Matter 403 (21-22), 3879-3882, 2008
Effects of boron nitrite in thermoplastic polyurethane on thermal, electrical and free volume properties
F Dumludag, MY Yener, E Basturk, S Madakbas, V Kahraman, MA Umer, ...
Polymer Bulletin 76, 4087-4101, 2019
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Articles 1–20