Arif Usta
Arif Usta
University of Waterloo, Data Systems Group
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Cited by
Cited by
An End-to-end Neural Natural Language Interface for Databases
P Utama, N Weir, F Basik, C Binnig, U Cetintemel, B Hättasch, A Ilkhechi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.00401, 2018
DBPal: A Learned NL-Interface for Databases
F Basik, B Hättasch, A Ilkhechi, A Usta, S Ramaswamy, P Utama, N Weir, ...
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Management of Data, 1765 …, 2018
How k-12 students search for learning?: analysis of an educational search engine log
A Usta, IS Altingovde, IB Vidinli, R Ozcan, Ö Ulusoy
Proceedings of the 37th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research …, 2014
Learning to Rank for Educational Search Engines
A Usta, IS Altingovde, R Ozcan, Ö Ulusoy
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2021
DBTagger: multi-task learning for keyword mapping in NLIDBs using Bi-directional recurrent neural networks
A Usta, A Karakayali, Ö Ulusoy
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 14 (5), 2021
Governor: Turning Open Government Data Portals into Interactive Databases
C Liu, A Usta, J Zhao, S Salihoğlu
Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023
Towards Interactive Data Exploration
C Binnig, F Basık, B Buratti, U Cetintemel, Y Chung, A Crotty, C Cousins, ...
Real-Time Business Intelligence and Analytics, 177-190, 2015
Re-finding Behaviour in Educational Search
A Usta, IS Altingovde, R Ozcan, Ö Ulusoy
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 401-405, 2019
Optimization of an educational search engine using learning to rank algorithms
A Usta
Master’s thesis, Bilkent University, 2015
Analysis of Open Government Datasets From a Data Design and Integration Perspective
A Usta, C Liu, S Salihoğlu
xDBTagger: explainable natural language interface to databases using keyword mappings and schema graph
A Usta, A Karakayali, Ö Ulusoy
The VLDB Journal, 1-21, 2023
To Join or Not to Join: An Analysis on the Usefulness of Joining Tables in Open Government Data Portals
A Usta, S Salihoğlu
Joint Workshops at 49th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases …, 2023
Towards Deeply Intelligent Interfaces in Relational Databases
A Usta
PQDT-Global, 2021
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Articles 1–13