Gursel Savci
Gursel Savci
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Ursodeoxycholic acid and atorvastatin in the treatment of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
M Kiyici, M Gulten, S Gurel, SG Nak, E Dolar, G Savci, SB Adim, O Yerci, ...
Canadian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 17 (12), 713-718, 2003
Value of chemical shift subtraction MRI in characterization of adrenal masses
G Savci, Z Yazici, N Sahin, S Akgöz, E Tuncel
American Journal of Roentgenology 186 (1), 130-135, 2006
Treatment of obstructive epiphora in adults by balloon dacryocystoplasty
Z Yazici, B Yazici, M Parlak, H Erturk, G Savci
British journal of ophthalmology 83 (6), 692-696, 1999
Ideal combination of MRI sequences for perianal fistula classification and the evaluation of additional findings for readers with varying levels of experience
N Yildirim, G Gökalp, E Öztürk, A Zorluoglu, T Yilmazlar, İ Ercan, G Savci
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology 18 (1), 11, 2012
Assessment of depth of myometrial invasion by endometrial carcinoma: comparison of T2-weighted SE and contrast-enhanced dynamic GRE MR imaging
G Savci, T Ozyaman, M Tutar, T Bilgin, O Erol, E Tuncel
European radiology 8, 218-223, 1998
The role of diffusion-weighted MRI in the classification of liver hydatid cysts and differentiation of simple cysts and abscesses from hydatid cysts
E Oruç, N Yildirim, NB Topal, S Kilicturgay, S Akgöz, G Savci
Diagnostic and interventional radiology 16 (4), 279, 2010
Choledochoduodenal fistula secondary to duodenal peptic ulcer: a case report
U Topal, G Savci, MY Sadikoglu, E Tuncel
Acta Radiologica 38 (6), 1007-1009, 1997
Evaluation of the foramen magnum dimensions.
E Sendemir, G Savci, A Cimen
Kaibogaku zasshi. Journal of anatomy 69 (1), 50-52, 1994
A contrast agent delivery nomogram for hepatic spiral CT
R Tello, SE Seltzer, M Polger, S Spaulding, G Savci
Journal of computer assisted tomography 21 (2), 236-245, 1997
Polyarteritis nodosa presenting with hemobilia and intestinal hemorrhage
Z Yazici, G Savci, M Parlak, E Tuncel
European radiology 7, 1059-1061, 1997
Quantitative computed tomography for measuring bone mineral density in athletes
H Dinç, G Savci, A Demirci, MY Sadikoĝlu, E Tuncel, H Yavuz
Calcified tissue international 58, 398-401, 1996
Solid and papillary epithelial neoplasm of the pancreas: CT and MR findings
G Savci, S Kilicturgay, Z Sivri, M Parlak, E Tuncel
European Radiology 6, 86-88, 1996
Bone mineral density measurement by quantitative computed tomography in a normal Turkish population
H Dinç, Y Sadikoǧlu, G Savci, A Demirci, E Tuncel
European journal of radiology 21 (2), 79-83, 1995
The role of ultrasonography and computed tomography in determining the etiology of ascites.
NB Topal, S Gurel, I Ercan, G Savci
Saudi medical journal 28 (12), 1822-1826, 2007
The changing role of radiology in imaging liver tumors: an overview
G Savci
European journal of radiology 32 (1), 36-51, 1999
Contribution of thin-slice (1 mm) axial proton density MR images for identification and classification of meniscal tears: correlative study with arthroscopy
G Gökalp, OF Nas, B Demirag, Z Yazici, G Savci
The British journal of radiology 85 (1018), e871-e878, 2012
Unusual causes of small bowel obstruction and contemporary diagnostic algorithm
OG Gümüştaş, A Gümüştaş, R Yalçın, G Savcı, RA Soylu
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 52 (3), 208-215, 2008
Splenic involvement of tuberculosis: US and CT findings
U Topal, G Savci, M Yurtkuran Sadikoglu, M Parlak, E Tuncel
European Radiology 4, 577-579, 1994
Thoracoabdominal duplication cyst: US, CT and MR findings
G Savci, E Balkan, T Ozyaman, H Dogruyol, E Tuncel
European radiology 7, 382-384, 1997
Spiral computed tomography of the liver: contrast agent pharmacokinetics and the potential for improved hepatic enhancement
M Polger, SE Seltzer, BL Head, G Savci, SG Silverman, DF Adams
Academic Radiology 2 (1), 19-25, 1995
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Articles 1–20