Afsin Saritas
Cited by
Cited by
A mixed finite element method for beam and frame problems
RL Taylor, FC Filippou, A Saritas, F Auricchio
Computational mechanics 31, 192-203, 2003
Inelastic axial-flexure–shear coupling in a mixed formulation beam finite element
A Saritas, FC Filippou
International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 44 (8), 913-922, 2009
Strengthening the structural behavior of adobe walls through the use of plaster reinforcement mesh
L Turanli, A Saritas
Construction and Building Materials 25 (4), 1747-1752, 2011
Numerical integration of a class of 3d plastic-damage concrete models and condensation of 3d stress–strain relations for use in beam finite elements
A Saritas, FC Filippou
Engineering Structures 31 (10), 2327-2336, 2009
Variational base and solution strategies for non-linear force-based beam finite elements
A Saritas, O Soydas
International Journal of non-linear Mechanics 47 (3), 54-64, 2012
Distributed inelasticity planar frame element with localized semi-rigid connections for nonlinear analysis of steel structures
A Saritas, A Koseoglu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 96, 216-231, 2015
Comparison of chevron and suspended-zipper braced steel frames
Y Ozcelik, A Saritas, PM Clayton
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 119, 169-175, 2016
Consistent Matrices for Steel Framed Structures with Semi-Rigid Connections Accounting for Shear Deformation and Rotary Inertia Effects
HF Ozel, A Saritas, T Tasbahji
Engineering Structures 137, 194-203, 2017
Frame element for metallic shear-yielding members under cyclic loading
A Saritas, FC Filippou
Journal of Structural Engineering 135 (9), 1115-1123, 2009
A beam finite element for shear-critical RC beams
FC Filippou, A Saritas
ACI Special Publications 237, 295, 2006
Mixed formulation frame element for shear critical steel and reinforced concrete members
A Saritas
University of California, Berkeley, 2006
An accurate nonlinear 3d Timoshenko beam element based on Hu-Washizu functional
O Soydas, A Saritas
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 74, 1-14, 2013
Analysis of RC walls with a mixed formulation frame finite element
A Saritas, FC Filippou
Computers and Concrete 12 (4), 519-536, 2013
Modeling of shear-yielding members for seismic energy dissipation
A Saritas, FC Filippou
Proceedings of the 13th world conference on earthquake engineering …, 2004
Modeling of inelastic behavior of curved members with a mixed formulation beam element
A Saritas
Finite elements in analysis and design 45 (5), 357-368, 2009
Free vibration characteristics of a 3d mixed formulation beam element with force-based consistent mass matrix
O Soydas, A Saritas
Journal of Vibration and Control, 2017
Hybrid finite element for analysis of functionally graded beams
A Saritas, T Gurol, O Soydas
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 24 (3), 228-239, 2017
Wind loads acting on solar panels in a row by CFD analysis
VE Uslu, O Uzol, A Saritas
The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials …, 2016
Assessing the effects of mechanical preventive measures on alkali-silica reaction expansion with accelerated mortar bar test
O Musaoglu, L Turanli, A Saritas
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 42 (6), 1520-1529, 2014
Stress resultants plasticity with general closest point projection
A Saritas
Mechanics Research Communications 38 (2), 126-130, 2011
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Articles 1–20