Huseyin Ilhan
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Cited by
Tracheobronchial foreign bodies in children: importance of accurate history and plain chest radiography in delayed presentation
B Tokar, R Ozkan, H Ilhan
Clinical radiology 59 (7), 609-615, 2004
Giant mesenteric lipoma
H Ilhan, B Tokar, S Is̆iksoy, N Koku, Ö Pasaoglu
Journal of pediatric surgery 34 (4), 639-640, 1999
Persistent Müllerian duct syndrome with transverse testicular ectopia: a case report with literature review
MF Açikalin, Ö PAŞAOĞLU, B Tokar, D İlgici̇, H İlhan
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences 34 (5), 333-336, 2004
Wilms' tumor of the ovary: a case report
Ü Öner, B Tokar, MF Açıkalın, H İlhan, N Tel
Journal of pediatric surgery 37 (1), 127-129, 2002
Tahkim sözleşmesinin geçerliliği
HA İlhan
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2016
The effect of hyperbaric oxygen treatment on the inflammatory changes caused by intraperitoneal meconium
B Tokar, AH Gundogan, H Ilhan, K Bildirici, M Gultepe, E Elbuken
Pediatric surgery international 19, 673-676, 2003
Amniotic membrane wrapping: an alternative method to the splenorrhaphy in the injured spleen
A Erdener, I Ulman, H Ilhan, S Soydan
European journal of pediatric surgery 2 (01), 26-28, 1992
Güney Marmara Süt Sığırı Yetiştiriciliğinin Isı Stresi Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi
E Yaslıoğlu, H İlhan
Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi 13 (4), 2016
Postoperatif intraperitoneal yapışıklıkların önlenmesinde E vitamininin yeri
A Erdener, S Çetinkurşun, H İlhan, İ Ulman
Ulusal Cerrahi Dergisi 5 (3), 29-31, 1989
Horner syndrome secondary to thyroid surgery
M Demiral, C Binay, E Simsek, H Ilhan
Case Reports in Endocrinology 2017 (1), 1689039, 2017
Percutaneous retrieval of an intracardiac catheter fragment using a snare-loop catheter.
B Uçar, Z Kiliç, M Ayata, B Tokar, H İlhan
Anadolu Kardiyoloji Dergisi: AKD= the Anatolian Journal of Cardiology 5 (3 …, 2005
An additional child case of an aldosterone-producing adenoma with an atypical presentation of peripheral paralysis due to hypokalemia
EC Dinleyici, N Dogruel, MF Acikalin, B Tokar, B Oztelcan, H Ilhan
Journal of endocrinological investigation 30, 870-872, 2007
The effect of azygos vein preservation on postoperative complications after esophageal atresia repair: results from the Turkish Esophageal Atresia Registry
T Soyer, Cİ Öztorun, B Fırıncı, ÇU Durakbaşa, GG Bahadır, A Karaman, ...
Journal of pediatric surgery 56 (11), 1940-1943, 2021
Çocuklarda akut apandisit
A Erdener, E Balık, İ Ulman, H İlhan, S Çetinkursun
Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi 3, 167-170, 1989
'Ideal Medical Educator': Cognitive Structures of Medical Faculty Students
E Karadağ, F Kılıç, D Arslantaş, F Esen, K Uzuner, H İlhan, K Erol
Konuralp Tip Dergisi 10 (3), 2018
Çocuk cerrahisi ameliyatlarında ameliyat sürelerinin belirlenmesi
U Alıcı, H İlhan, C Bal, B Tokar
Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 15 (3), 288-296, 2014
Case report: Ovarian torsion in inguinal canal
NA Değirmenci, IR Ozkan, H Ilhan
Tanisal ve Girisimsel Radyoloji: Tibbi Goruntuleme ve Girisimsel Radyoloji …, 2003
Congenital hiatus hernia: A case series
D EMBLETON, A TUNCER, M ARDA, H Ilhan, S Çetinkurşun
Northern Clinics of İstanbul 6 (2), 2019
The effect of postoperative ventilation strategies on postoperative complications and outcomes in patients with esophageal atresia: Results from the Turkish Esophageal Atresia …
HSY Cömert, D Güney, ÇU Durakbaşa, Z Dökümcü, T Soyer, B Fırıncı, ...
Pediatric Pulmonology 58 (3), 763-771, 2023
Ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter spontaneously protruding through the skin at the sacrococcygeal region
M Vural, TE Cosan, H Ilhan
Pediatric Neurosurgery 44 (3), 261, 2008
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20