Ceren Öner
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Cited by
A conceptual framework for Industry 4.0
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, C Salkin, M Oner, A Ustundag, E Cevikcan
Industry 4.0: managing the digital transformation, 3-23, 2018
Evaluation of service quality in public bus transportation using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy QFD methodology
M Deveci, SC Öner, F Canıtez, M Öner
Research in Transportation Business & Management 33, 100387, 2019
Interval type-2 hesitant fuzzy Entropy-based WASPAS approach for aircraft type selection
M Deveci, SC Öner, ME Ciftci, E Özcan, D Pamucar
Applied Soft Computing 114, 108076, 2022
Interval type-2 hesitant fuzzy set method for improving the service quality of domestic airlines in Turkey
M Deveci, E Özcan, R John, SC Öner
Journal of Air Transport Management 69, 83-98, 2018
Determination of material handling equipment for lean in-plant logistics using fuzzy analytical network process considering risk attitudes of the experts.
OF Yilmaz, B Oztaysi, MB Durmusoglu, SC Oner
International Journal of Industrial Engineering 24 (1), 2017
An interval type 2 hesitant fuzzy MCDM approach and a fuzzy c means clustering for retailer clustering
SC Oner, B Oztaysi
Soft Computing 22, 4971-4987, 2018
Choquet integral-based hesitant fuzzy decision-making to prevent soil erosion
T Demirel, SC Öner, S Tüzün, M Deveci, M Öner, NÇ Demirel
Geoderma 313, 276-289, 2018
Yalin Üretim Tekniklerinin Endüstri 4.0 Perspektifinden Değerlendirilmesi
MK Öksüz, M Öner, SC Öner
Uluslararası Bölgesel Kalkınma Konferansı, 2017
An interval valued hesitant fuzzy clustering approach for location clustering and customer segmentation
SC Öner, B Öztayşi
Advances in Fuzzy Logic and Technology 2017: Proceedings of: EUSFLAT-2017 …, 2018
A novel multiple attribute group decision making methodology based on intuitionistic fuzzy TOPSIS
BÇ Ervural, SC Öner, V Çoban, C Kahraman
2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 1-6, 2015
A novel approach to segmentation using customer locations data and intelligent techniques
B Öztayşi, U Gokdere, EN Simsek, CS Oner
Handbook of research on intelligent techniques and modeling applications in …, 2017
Evaluation of service quality in public bus transportation using interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy QFD methodology. Research in Transportation Business and Management, 33 …
M Deveci, SC Öner, F Canıtez, M Öner
Social platform based interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy location recommendation system
SC Oner, B Oztaysi, M Oner
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 38 (1), 1027-1042, 2020
Geleneksel ve e-ticaret tedarik zinciri risk yönetiminin sistem dinamiği yaklaşımıyla modellenmesi
SC Salkın
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014
Fuzzy sets applications in complex energy systems: a literature review
C Kahraman, B Oztaysi, S Çevik Onar, SC Öner
Energy Management—Collective and Computational Intelligence with Theory and …, 2018
Sustainable supply chains and risk management for e-commerce companies using fuzzy inference system
SC Oner, B Oztaysi
Intelligence Systems in Environmental Management: Theory and Applications …, 2017
Market analysis using computational intelligence: An application for GSM operators based on Twitter comments
B Oztaysi, C Öner, DH Beyhan
Intelligent Techniques in Engineering Management: Theory and Applications …, 2015
Data analytics in industry 4.0: In the perspective of big data
M Oner, SC Oner
Handbook of Research on Applied Optimization Methodologies in Manufacturing …, 2018
An interval valued intuitionistic fuzzy location based recommendation system utilizing social platforms
S Ceren Öner, B Oztaysi, M Öner
Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support …, 2018
A Comprehensive Risk Management Tool Based on Multi-Agents and System Dynamics for Traditional and E-Commerce Supply Chain
SC Oner, M Oner
Handbook of Research on Applied Optimization Methodologies in Manufacturing …, 2018
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Articles 1–20