Mehmet Avcar
Cited by
Cited by
Free vibration of imperfect sigmoid and power law functionally graded beams
M Avcar
Steel and Composite Structures, An International Journal 30 (6), 603-615, 2019
Free vibration and buckling analyses of CNT reinforced laminated non-rectangular plates by discrete singular convolution method
Ö Civalek, M Avcar
Engineering with Computers 38 (Suppl 1), 489-521, 2022
Free vibration of functionally graded beams resting on Winkler-Pasternak foundation
M Avcar, WKM Mohammed
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 11 (10), 232, 2018
Free Vibration Analysis of FG Porous Sandwich Plates under Various Boundary Conditions
L Hadji, M Avcar
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 7 (2), 505-519, 2021
The free vibration analysis of hybrid porous nanocomposite joined hemispherical–cylindrical–conical shells
E Sobhani, A Arbabian, Ö Civalek, M Avcar
Engineering with Computers, 1-28, 2022
Nonlocal free vibration analysis of porous FG nanobeams using hyperbolic shear deformation beam theory
L Hadji, M Avcar
Advances in nano research 10 (3), 281-293, 2021
Natural frequency analysis of sigmoid functionally graded sandwich beams in the framework of high order shear deformation theory
M Avcar, L Hadji, Ö Civalek
Composite structures 276, 114564, 2021
Free vibration analysis of beams considering different geometric characteristics and boundary conditions
M Avcar
International Journal of Mechanics and Applications 4 (3), 94-100, 2014
Finite element modeling of contact between an elastic layer and two elastic quarter planes
M Yaylacı, M Avcar
Computers and Concrete, An International Journal 26 (2), 107-114, 2020
The stability of cylindrical shells containing an FGM layer subjected to axial load on the Pasternak foundation
AH Sofiyev, M Avcar
Engineering 2 (04), 228, 2010
Elastic buckling of steel columns under axial compression
M Avcar
American journal of civil engineering 2 (3), 102-108, 2014
Analytical solution of free vibration of FG beam utilizing different types of beam theories: A comparative study
HHS AlSaid-Alwan, M Avcar
Computers and Concrete, An International Journal 26 (3), 285-292, 2020
An analytical solution for the free vibration of FG nanoplates
L Hadji, M Avcar, Ö Civalek
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 43 …, 2021
On the vibration and buckling behaviors of porous FG beams resting on variable elastic foundation utilizing higher-order shear deformation theory
F Mellal, R Bennai, M Avcar, M Nebab, HA Atmane
Acta Mechanica 234 (9), 3955-3977, 2023
Static analysis of functionally graded plate structures resting on variable elastic foundation under various boundary conditions
AA Daikh, MO Belarbi, D Ahmed, MSA Houari, M Avcar, A Tounsi, ...
Acta Mechanica 234 (2), 775-806, 2023
Buckling and free vibration analysis of bio-inspired laminated sandwich plates with helicoidal/Bouligand face sheets containing softcore
A Garg, MO Belarbi, HD Chalak, L Li, A Sharma, M Avcar, N Sharma, ...
Ocean Engineering 270, 113684, 2023
Effects of material non-homogeneity and two parameter elastic foundation on fundamental frequency parameters of Timoshenko beams
M Avcar
Acta Physica Polonica A 130 (1), 375-378, 2016
Effects of rotary inertia shear deformation and non-homogeneity on frequencies of beam
M Avcar
Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 55 (4), 871-884, 2015
Natural frequency analysis of imperfect GNPRN conical shell, cylindrical shell, and annular plate structures resting on Winkler-Pasternak Foundations under arbitrary boundary …
E Sobhani, M Avcar
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 144, 145-164, 2022
Numerical analysis of the receding contact problem of two bonded layers resting on an elastic half plane
M Yaylaci, C Terzi, M Avcar
Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Journal 72 (6), 775-783, 2019
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Articles 1–20