selma erat
selma erat
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Influence of the annealing in nitrogen atmosphere on the XRD, EDX, SEM and electrical properties of chemical bath deposited CdSe thin films
S Erat, H Metin, M Arı
Materials Chemistry and physics 111 (1), 114-120, 2008
Evolution of structural properties of iron oxide nano particles during temperature treatment from 250 C–900 C: X-ray diffraction and Fe K-shell pre-edge X-ray absorption study
DK Bora, A Braun, S Erat, O Safonova, T Graule, EC Constable
Current applied physics 12 (3), 817-825, 2012
Evolution of an Oxygen Near-Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Transition in the Upper Hubbard Band in α-Fe2O3 upon Electrochemical Oxidation
DK Bora, A Braun, S Erat, AK Ariffin, R Löhnert, K Sivula, J Töpfer, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115 (13), 5619-5625, 2011
The effect of annealing temperature on the structural, optical, and electrical properties of CdS films
H Metin, M Ari, S Erat, S Durmuş, M Bozoklu, A Braun
Journal of Materials Research 25 (1), 189-196, 2010
Pre-edges in oxygen (1s) x-ray absorption spectra: A spectral indicator for electron hole depletion and transport blocking in iron perovskites
A Braun, D Bayraktar, S Erat, AS Harvey, D Beckel, JA Purton, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (20), 2009
Turkey’s energy transition from fossil-based to renewable up to 2030: milestones, challenges and opportunities
S Erat, A Telli, OM Ozkendir, B Demir
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 23, 401-412, 2021
Comparison of energy transition of Turkey and Germany: energy policy, strengths/weaknesses and targets
A Telli, S Erat, B Demir
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 23, 413-427, 2021
Synthesis, biological properties, and acid dissociation constant of novel naphthoquinone–triazole hybrids
Y Nural, S Ozdemir, O Doluca, B Demir, MS Yalcin, H Atabey, B Kanat, ...
Bioorganic Chemistry 105, 104441, 2020
Annealing effect on CdS/SnO2 films grown by chemical bath deposition
H Metin, S Erat, S Durmuş, M Ari
Applied Surface Science 256 (16), 5076-5081, 2010
Cadmium sulphide thin films grown by CBD: the effect of thermal annealing on the structural, electrical and optical properties
H Metin, F Sat, S Erat, M Ari
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 10 (10), 2622-2630, 2008
The effect of growing time and Mn concentration on the defect structure of ZnO nanocrystals: X-ray diffraction, infrared and EPR spectroscopy
S Yildirimcan, K Ocakoglu, S Erat, FM Emen, S Repp, E Erdem
RSC advances 6 (45), 39511-39521, 2016
Yttrium and hydrogen superstructure and correlation of lattice expansion and proton conductivity in the BaZr0. 9Y0. 1O2. 95 proton conductor
A Braun, A Ovalle, V Pomjakushin, A Cervellino, S Erat, WC Stolte, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (22), 2009
Polysubstituted pyrrolidines linked to 1, 2, 3-triazoles: Synthesis, crystal structure, DFT studies, acid dissociation constant, drug-likeness, and anti-proliferative activity
T Ince, R Serttas, B Demir, H Atabey, N Seferoglu, S Erdogan, E Sahin, ...
Journal of Molecular Structure 1217, 128400, 2020
Characterization of chemically deposited ZnSe/SnO2/glass films: influence of annealing in Ar atmosphere on physical properties
H Metin, S Durmuş, S Erat, M Ari
Applied surface science 257 (15), 6474-6480, 2011
Novel highly functionalized 1, 4-naphthoquinone 2-iminothiazole hybrids: Synthesis, photophysical properties, crystal structure, DFT studies, and anti (myco) bacterial …
M Gemili, Y Nural, E Keleş, B Aydıner, N Seferoğlu, M Ülger, E Şahin, ...
Journal of Molecular Structure 1196, 536-546, 2019
Observation of Substrate Orientation-Dependent Oxygen Defect Filling in Thin WO3−δ/TiO2 Pulsed Laser-Deposited Films with in Situ XPS at High Oxygen …
A Braun, F Aksoy Akgul, Q Chen, S Erat, TW Huang, N Jabeen, Z Liu, ...
Chemistry of Materials 24 (17), 3473-3480, 2012
Correlation of O (1s) and Fe (2p) near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectra and electrical conductivity of La1− xSrxFe0. 75Ni0. 25O3− δ
S Erat, A Braun, A Ovalle, C Piamonteze, Z Liu, T Graule, LJ Gauckler
Applied Physics Letters 95 (17), 2009
Characterization of CdSe films prepared by chemical bath deposition method
H Metin, S Erat, M Ari, M Bozoklu
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 2 (2), 92-98, 2008
Electron hole–phonon interaction, correlation of structure, and conductivity in single crystal La0. 9Sr0. 1FeO3− δ
A Braun, J Richter, AS Harvey, S Erat, A Infortuna, A Frei, E Pomjakushina, ...
Applied Physics Letters 93 (26), 2008
Electronic structure of pristine and Ni-substituted from near edge x-ray absorption fine structure experiments and first-principles simulations
I Timrov, P Agrawal, X Zhang, S Erat, R Liu, A Braun, M Cococcioni, ...
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033265, 2020
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Articles 1–20