Takip et
Yasin Varol
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Energy and exergy analysis of a latent heat storage system with phase change material for a solar collector
A Koca, HF Oztop, T Koyun, Y Varol
Renewable energy 33 (4), 567-574, 2008
Estimation of solar radiation using artificial neural networks with different input parameters for Mediterranean region of Anatolia in Turkey
A Koca, HF Oztop, Y Varol, GO Koca
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (7), 8756-8762, 2011
Natural convection in wavy enclosures with volumetric heat sources
HF Oztop, E Abu-Nada, Y Varol, A Chamkha
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 50 (4), 502-514, 2011
A comparative numerical study on natural convection in inclined wavy and flat-plate solar collectors
Y Varol, HF Oztop
Building and environment 43 (9), 1535-1544, 2008
Numerical analysis of natural convection for a porous rectangular enclosure with sinusoidally varying temperature profile on the bottom wall
Y Varol, HF Oztop, I Pop
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 35 (1), 56-64, 2008
Forecasting of thermal energy storage performance of Phase Change Material in a solar collector using soft computing techniques
Y Varol, A Koca, HF Oztop, E Avci
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (4), 2724-2732, 2010
The effects of Prandtl number on natural convection in triangular enclosures with localized heating from below
A Koca, HF Oztop, Y Varol
International communications in heat and mass transfer 34 (4), 511-519, 2007
Natural convection in a triangle enclosure with flush mounted heater on the wall
Y Varol, A Koca, HF Oztop
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 33 (8), 951-958, 2006
Prediction of flow fields and temperature distributions due to natural convection in a triangular enclosure using Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and …
Y Varol, E Avci, A Koca, HF Oztop
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 34 (7), 887-896, 2007
Effects of moving lid direction on MHD mixed convection in a linearly heated cavity
K Al-Salem, HF Öztop, I Pop, Y Varol
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (4), 1103-1112, 2012
Entropy production due to free convection in partially heated isosceles triangular enclosures
Y Varol, HF Oztop, A Koca
Applied Thermal Engineering 28 (11-12), 1502-1513, 2008
Natural convection in right-angle porous trapezoidal enclosure partially cooled from inclined wall
Y Varol, HF Oztop, I Pop
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 36 (1), 6-15, 2009
Effects of thin fin on natural convection in porous triangular enclosures
Y Varol, HF Oztop, A Varol
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 46 (10), 1033-1045, 2007
Natural convection in triangular enclosures with protruding isothermal heater
Y Varol, HF Oztop, T Yilmaz
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (13-14), 2451-2462, 2007
Numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamic buoyancy-induced flow in a non-isothermally heated square enclosure
HF Oztop, M Oztop, Y Varol
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 14 (3), 770-778, 2009
Computational analysis of non-isothermal temperature distribution on natural convection in nanofluid filled enclosures
HF Oztop, E Abu-Nada, Y Varol, K Al-Salem
Superlattices and Microstructures 49 (4), 453-467, 2011
Entropy generation due to natural convection in non-uniformly heated porous isosceles triangular enclosures at different positions
Y Varol, HF Oztop, I Pop
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 52 (5-6), 1193-1205, 2009
Magnetohydrodynamic natural convection in trapezoidal cavities
M Hasanuzzaman, HF Öztop, MM Rahman, NA Rahim, R Saidur, Y Varol
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (9), 1384-1394, 2012
Buoyancy induced heat transfer and fluid flow inside a tilted wavy solar collector
Y Varol, HF Oztop
Building and Environment 42 (5), 2062-2071, 2007
Comparison of methanol, ethanol, or n-butanol blending with unleaded gasoline on exhaust emissions of an SI engine
Y Varol, C Öner, HF Öztop, Ş Altun
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 36 …, 2014
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