Ali Sebetci
Ali Sebetci
OSTIM Technical University, Ankara TURKEY
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Energetics and structures of small clusters: PtN, N= 2–21
A Sebetci, ZB Güvenç
Surface science 525 (1-3), 66-84, 2003
Cobalt clusters (Con, n⩽ 6) and their anions
A Sebetci
Chemical Physics 354 (1-3), 196-201, 2008
Global minima of AlN, AuN and PtN, N⩽ 80, clusters described by the Voter–Chen version of embedded-atom potentials
A Sebetci, ZB Güvenç
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 13 (5), 683, 2005
Spatially homogeneous qm/mm for systems of interacting molecules with on-the-fly ab initio force-field parametrization
A Sebetci, GJO Beran
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6 (1), 155-167, 2010
A density functional study of bare and hydrogenated platinum clusters
A Sebetci
Chemical physics 331 (1), 9-18, 2006
Does spin–orbit coupling effect favor planar structures for small platinum clusters?
A Sebetci
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (6), 921-925, 2009
Gd@C82: Origin of the Antiferromagnetic Coupling between Endohedral Gd and the Free Spin on the Carbon Cage
A Sebetci, M Richter
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (1), 15-19, 2010
BH-DFTB/DFT calculations for iron clusters
A Aktürk, A Sebetci
AIP Advances 6 (5), 2016
Molecular dynamics simulation of the melting behaviour of 12-, 13-, 14-atom icosahedral platinum clusters
A Sebetci, ZB Guvenc
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 12 (6), 1131, 2004
Free standing double walled boron nanotubes
A Sebetci, E Mete, I Boustani
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 69 (8), 2004-2012, 2008
Global minima for free clusters (): a comparison between the searches with a molecular dynamics approach and a basin-hopping algorithm
A Sebetçi, ZB Güvenç
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2004
Density functional study of small cobalt–platinum nanoalloy clusters
A Sebetci
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 (4), 588-594, 2012
Modeling of RNA nanotubes using molecular dynamics simulation
SR Badu, R Melnik, M Paliy, S Prabhakar, A Sebetci, BA Shapiro
European Biophysics Journal 43, 555-564, 2014
Interaction of carbon monoxide with bimetallic Co–Pt clusters: A density functional theory study
A Sebetci
Computational materials science 58, 77-86, 2012
Thermodynamics of small platinum clusters
A Sebetci, ZB Güvenç, H Kökten
Computational materials science 35 (3), 192-197, 2006
New minima for the Pt8 cluster
A Sebetci
Computational materials science 78, 9-11, 2013
High Performance Computing Studies of RNA Nanotubes.
SR Badu, R Melnik, MV Paliy, S Prabhakar, A Sebetci, BA Shapiro
IWBBIO, 601-607, 2014
Phase changes in icosahedral 54-, 55-, 56-atom platinum clusters
A Sebetci, ZB Güvenç, H Kökten
International Journal of Modern Physics C 15 (07), 981-988, 2004
The Influence of Unsaturated Hydrocarbon Ligands on the Stabilization of Platinum Tetramer
M Aslan, Z Öztürk, A Sebetci
Journal of Cluster Science 25, 1187-1201, 2014
Rashba spin-orbit coupling effects in armchair graphene nanoribbons
S Prabhakar, R Melnik, A Sebetci
AIP Conference Proceedings 1653 (1), 2015
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Articles 1–20