Haruaki Tamada
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Cited by
Design and evaluation of birthmarks for detecting theft of java programs.
H Tamada, M Nakamura, A Monden, K Matsumoto
IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering, 569-574, 2004
Dynamic software birthmarks to detect the theft of windows applications
H Tamada, K Okamoto, M Nakamura, A Monden, K Matsumoto
International Symposium on Future Software Technology 20 (22), 2004
Java Birthmarks--Detecting the Software Theft--
H Tamada, M Nakamura, A Monden, K Matsumoto
IEICE transactions on information and systems 88 (9), 2148-2158, 2005
Constructing home network systems and integrated services using legacy home appliances and web services
M Nakamura, A Tanaka, H Igaki, H Tamada, K Matsumoto
International Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR) 5 (1), 82-98, 2008
Implementing integrated services of networked home appliances using service oriented architecture
M Nakamura, H Igaki, H Tamada, K Matsumoto
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Service oriented …, 2004
Design and evaluation of dynamic software birthmarks based on api calls
H Tamada, K Okamoto, M Nakamura, A Monden, K Matsumoto
Information Science Technical Report, 2007
Defect data analysis based on extended association rule mining
S Morisaki, A Monden, T Matsumura, H Tamada, K Matsumoto
Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07: ICSE …, 2007
Detecting the theft of programs using birthmarks
H Tamada, M Nakamura, A Monden, K Matsumoto
NAIST-IS-TR2003014, 2003
Adapting legacy home appliances to home network systems usingweb services
M Nakamura, A Tanaka, H Igaki, H Tamada, K Matsumoto
2006 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), 849-858, 2006
井垣 宏, 中村 匡秀, 玉田 春昭松本 健一
情報処理学会論文誌 46 (2), 314-326, 2005
Introducing dynamic name resolution mechanism for obfuscating system-defined names in programs
H Tamada, M Nakamura, A Monden, K Matsumoto
Proc. IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering (IASTED SE …, 2008
Why novice programmers fall into a pitfall?: Coding pattern analysis in programming exercise
K Fujiwara, K Fushida, H Tamada, H Igaki, N Yoshida
2012 Fourth International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in …, 2012
A goal-oriented approach to software obfuscation
A Monden, M Nakamura, H Tamada
IJCSNS 8 (9), 59, 2008
A dynamic birthmark from analyzing operand stack runtime behavior to detect copied software
K Fukuda, H Tamada
2013 14th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial …, 2013
A framework for programming process measurement and compiling error interpretation for novice programmers
H Tamada, A Ogino, H Ueda
2011 Joint Conference of the 21st International Workshop on Software …, 2011
Using software birthmarks to identify similar classes and major functionalities
T Kakimoto, A Monden, Y Kamei, H Tamada, M Tsunoda, K Matsumoto
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software …, 2006
Obfuscation device for generating a set of obfuscated instructions, processing device, method, program, and integrated circuit thereof
T Sato, T Haga, K Matsumoto, A Monden, H Tamada
US Patent 8,225,077, 2012
Mining quantitative rules in a software project data set
S Morisaki, A Monden, H Tamada, T Matsumura, K Matsumoto
Information and Media Technologies 2 (4), 999-1008, 2007
Dynamic software birthmarks based on API calls
K Okamoto, H Tamada, M Nakamura, A Monden, KI Matsumoto
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems 89 (8), 1751-1763, 2006
Robot helps teachers for education of the c language beginners
H Tamada, A Ogino, H Ueda
Human-Computer Interaction. Novel Interaction Methods and Techniques: 13th …, 2009
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Articles 1–20