Souhir Ben Souissi
Souhir Ben Souissi
Other namesSouhir Bensouissi, Souhir b Souissi
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Reducing the Toxicity Risk in Antibiotic Prescriptions by Combining Ontologies with a Multiple Criteria Decision Model
S Ben Souissi, M Abed, L Elhiki, P Fortemps, M Pirlot
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2017, 1625, 2017
PARS, a system combining semantic technologies with multiple criteria decision aiding for supporting antibiotic prescriptions
S Ben Souissi, M Abed, L El Hiki, P Fortemps, M Pirlot
Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 2019
Categorizing the suitability of an alternative for a subject
S Ben Souissi, M Abed, L Elhiki, P Fortemps, M Pirlot
2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 1-8, 2016
Vers une nouvelle génération d'outils d'aide à la décision s' appliquant à la prévention des risques lors de la prescription des antibiotiques: combinaison des technologies Web …
S Ben Souissi
Numerical method to simulate and to analyze Time Petri nets
S Ben Souissi, A Benzina, M Abed, K Ghedira
2011 4th International Conference on Logistics, 254--260, 2011
Souhir et al.(2016).«Categorizing the suitability of an alternative for a subject»
B Souissi
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI). IEEE, 1-8, 0
Examining the Technostress Dimensions and Job Satisfaction in Nursing–A Cross-Sectional Study
C Golz, NL Eichenberger, SB Souissi, JS Bieri
Innovation in Applied Nursing Informatics, 311-315, 2024
Generative AI: was ist das und was kann sie bereits?
M Kurpicz-Briki
SocietyByte-Wissenschaftsmagazin der Berner Fachhochschule, 2023
Using Natural Language Processing to find Indication for Burnout with Text Classification: From Online Data to Real-World Data
M Kurpicz-Briki, G Merhbene, A Puttick, SB Souissi, J Bieri, TJ Müller, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.14357, 2024
Natural Language Processing for Work-Related Stress Detection Among Health Professionals: Protocol for a Scoping Review
JS Bieri, C Ikae, SB Souissi, TJ Müller, MC Schlunegger, C Golz
JMIR research protocols 13 (1), e56267, 2024
Diffusion Models: Ein neuer Horizont in der Bilderzeugung
S Ben Souissi
SocietyByte–Wissenschaftsmagazin der Berner Fachhochschule, 2023
Decision support system to reduce risk in antibiotic prescriptions
S Ben Souissi, M Abed, L Elhiki, P Fortemps, M Pirlot
MDC2017, 2017
Towards a generic system based on MCDA to support decision in antibiotic prescription
S Ben Souissi, M Abed, L Elhiki, P Fortemps, M Pirlot
83rd EWG-MCDA, 2016
A patient-centered MCDA model for improving antibiotic prescriptions
S Ben Souissi, O Moses, M Abed, L El Hiki, M Pirlot
EURO2015, 27th European conference on Operational Research, 27, 16, 2015
Decision support system to minimize the risks of antibiotic prescription using multi criteria support decision method
S Ben Souissi, M Abed, L Elhiki, M Pirlot
ORBEL29, 2015
Decision support system to minimize the risks of antibiotic prescription using multi criteria support decision model
SB Souissi, M Abed, L El Hiki, M Pirlot
Matinée de chercheur, 2015
Integration of artificial intelligence and decision support system to predict risks in prescripbing antibiotics
S Bensouissi, M Abed, L El Hiki, M Pirlot
Welcome PhD seminar, 2013
Etat de l’art intégration de l’intelligence artificielle et de l’aide à la décision pour prédire les risques lors de la prescription d’antibiotiques
S Bensouissi, M Pirlot, L El Hiki, M Abed
1ère Journée de l’Institut des Sciences et du Management des Risques, 2013
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Articles 1–18