Yasemin Dilsad Yilmazel, Ph.D.
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Cited by
The determination of fertilizer quality of the formed struvite from effluent of a sewage sludge anaerobic digester
A Uysal, YD Yilmazel, GN Demirer
Journal of Hazardous Materials 181 (1-3), 248-254, 2010
Removal and recovery of nutrients as struvite from anaerobic digestion residues of poultry manure
YD Yilmazel, GN Demirer
Environmental Technology 32 (7), 783-794, 2011
Nitrogen and phosphorus recovery from anaerobic co-digestion residues of poultry manure and maize silage via struvite precipitation
YD Yilmazel, GN Demirer
Waste management & research 31 (8), 792-804, 2013
Electrical current generation in microbial electrolysis cells by hyperthermophilic archaea Ferroglobus placidus and Geoglobus ahangari
YD Yilmazel, X Zhu, KY Kim, DE Holmes, BE Logan
Bioelectrochemistry 119, 142-149, 2018
Effect of pre-acclimation of granular activated carbon on microbial electrolysis cell startup and performance
N LaBarge, YD Yilmazel, PY Hong, BE Logan
Bioelectrochemistry 113, 20-25, 2017
Carbon-based conductive materials enhance biomethane recovery from organic wastes: A review of the impacts on anaerobic treatment
FE Kutlar, B Tunca, YD Yilmazel
Chemosphere, 133247, 2022
Hyperthermophilic hydrogen production from wastewater biosolids by Caldicellulosiruptor bescii
YD Yilmazel, D Johnston, M Duran
international journal of hydrogen energy 40 (36), 12177-12186, 2015
Anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and primary clarifier skimmings for increased biogas production
S Alanya, YD Yilmazel, C Park, JL Willis, J Keaney, PM Kohl, JA Hunt, ...
Water science and technology 67 (1), 174-179, 2013
Biohydrogen production from cattle manure and its mixtures with renewable feedstock by hyperthermophilic Caldicellulosiruptor bescii
YD Yilmazel, M Duran
Journal of Cleaner Production, 125969, 2021
Is aceticlastic methanogen composition in full-scale anaerobic processes related to acetate utilization capacity?
V Yilmaz, E Ince-Yilmaz, YD Yilmazel, M Duran
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 98, 5217-5226, 2014
Impact of acclimation methods on microbial communities and performance of anaerobic fluidized bed membrane bioreactors
N LaBarge, Y Ye, KY Kim, YD Yilmazel, PE Saikaly, PY Hong, BE Logan
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 2 (6), 1041-1048, 2016
High current density via direct electron transfer by hyperthermophilic archaeon, Geoglobus acetivorans, in microbial electrolysis cells operated at 80° C
A Kas, YD Yilmazel
Bioelectrochemistry 145, 108072, 2022
Start-up strategies of electromethanogenic reactors for methane production from cattle manure
A Ghaderikia, B Taskin, YD Yilmazel
Waste Management 159, 2023
Enhanced biohydrogen production from high loads of unpretreated cattle manure by cellulolytic bacterium Caldicellulosiruptor bescii at 75 °C
B Tunca, FE Kutlar, A Kas, YD Yilmazel
Waste Management 171, 401 - 410, 2023
Recovery of nutrients from anaerobic co-digestion effluents of poultry manure and sewage sludge as struvite
YD Yilmazel, A Uysal, GN Demirer
Nutrient Recovery and Management Conference, IWA, WEF, 2011
Anaerobik olarak çürütülmüş arıtma çamurlarından strüvit çöktürmesiyle nütrient geri kazanımı
A Uysal, YD Yılmazel, GN Demirer
Su Kirlenmesi Kontrolü Dergisi 21 (1), 25-32, 2011
ODTÜ Çevre Mühendisliği Bölümü Laboratuvar Atık Yönetim Sistemi (LAYS) Uygulaması
E Doğan, K Gedik, D Kaya, AM Kocabaş, UG Özkan-Yücel, Ö Yılmaz, ...
ODTÜ, Ankara, 0
Methane Recovery from Cattle Manure: Role of Granular Activated Carbon Amendment into Anaerobic Digestion-Microbial Electrolysis Cells (AD-MECs) Integrated Systems
A Ghaderikia, YD Yilmazel
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 12 (4), 1437-1445, 2024
The impact of hematite on the anaerobic digestion of cattle manure
Y Odabaş, YD Yilmazel
International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences 7 (1), 70-78, 2023
Use of low-cost raw materials for the recovery of phosphorus and nitrogen from biogas plant effluents via struvite crystallization
FECE KUTLAR, YD Yılmazel Tokel
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Articles 1–20