Jeremy Jewell
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Cited by
Influence of reading attitude on reading achievement: A test of the temporal‐interaction model
RS Martinez, OT Aricak, J Jewell
Psychology in the Schools 45 (10), 1010-1023, 2008
Comparing the family environments of adolescents with conduct disorder or depression
JD Jewell, KD Stark
Journal of Child and Family Studies 12, 77-89, 2003
Using parents and siblings during a social story intervention for two children diagnosed with PDD-NOS
S Dodd, SDA Hupp, JD Jewell, E Krohn
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities 20, 217-229, 2008
Cognitive-behavioral theory
SD Hupp, D Reitman, JD Jewell
Handbook of clinical psychology 2, 263-287, 2008
The differential impact of mothers' and fathers' discipline on preschool children's home and classroom behavior.
JD Jewell, EJ Krohn, VG Scott, M Carlton, E Meinz
North American Journal of Psychology 10 (1), 2008
History and overview
SDA Hupp, M LeBlanc, JD Jewell, E Warnes
Social behavior and skills in children, 1-21, 2009
Comparing the validity of clinician-generated diagnosis of conduct disorder to the diagnostic interview schedule for children
J Jewell, M Handwerk, J Almquist, C Lucas
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology 33 (3), 536-546, 2004
Assessing DUI risk: Examination of the behaviors & attitudes drinking & driving scale (BADDS)
JD Jewell, SDA Hupp, DJ Segrist
Addictive behaviors 33 (7), 853-865, 2008
The long term effectiveness of drug treatment court on reducing recidivism and predictors of voluntary withdrawal
JD Jewell, P Rose, R Bush, K Bartz
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 15, 28-39, 2017
A multiyear follow-up study examining the effectiveness of a cognitive behavioral group therapy program on the recidivism of juveniles on probation
JD Jewell, MD Malone, P Rose, D Sturgeon, S Owens
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 59 (3 …, 2015
Great myths of child development
S Hupp, JD Jewell
John Wiley & Sons, 2015
Review of social story interventions for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders
SL Nichols, SDA Hupp, JD Jewell, CS Zeigler
Journal of Evidence-Based Practices for Schools 6 (1), 90-120, 2005
Examining the influence of caregiver ethnicity on youth placed in out of home care: Ethnicity matters–for some
JD Jewell, DL Brown, G Smith, R Thompson
Children and Youth Services Review 32 (10), 1278-1284, 2010
The effectiveness of fatal vision goggles: The effectiveness of fatal vision goggles: Disentangling experiential versus onlooker effects
J Jewell, S Hupp, G Luttrell
Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 63-84, 2004
Examining the effects of fatal vision goggles on changing attitudes and behaviors related to drinking and driving
J Jewell, SDA Hupp
Journal of Primary Prevention 26, 553-565, 2005
Suicidal risk in adolescent residential treatment: Being female is more important than a depression diagnosis
DL Brown, JD Jewell, AL Stevens, JD Crawford, R Thompson
Journal of Child and Family Studies 21, 359-367, 2012
The children first program: The effectiveness of a parent education program for divorcing parents
J Jewell, M Schmittel, A McCobin, S Hupp, A Pomerantz
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 58 (1), 16-28, 2017
The encyclopedia of child and adolescent development
S Hupp, JD Jewell
Wiley-Blackwell, 2020
Addressing cultural responsiveness in consultation: An empirical demonstration
ELW McKenney, KA Mann, DL Brown, JD Jewell
Journal of Educational and Psychological consultation 27 (3), 289-316, 2017
Etiology and relationships to developmental disabilities and psychopathology
JD Jewell, SS Jordan, SDA Hupp, GE Everett
Social behavior and skills in children, 39-59, 2009
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Articles 1–20