Cited by
Cited by
Conceptualizing face and relational work in (im) politeness: Revelations from politeness lexemes and idioms in Turkish
Ş Ruhi, H Işık-Güler
Journal of Pragmatics 39 (4), 681-711, 2007
Discourses of exclusion on Twitter in the Turkish Context:# ülkemdesuriyeliistemiyorum (# idontwantsyriansinmycountry)
Y Erdogan-Ozturk, H Isik-Guler
Discourse, Context & Media 36, 100400, 2020
Face and impoliteness at the intersection with emotions: A corpus-based study in Turkish
H Işik-Güler, Ş Ruhi
Intercultural Pragmatics 7 (4), 625-660, 2010
Intercultural Communication
H Spencer Oatey, H Isik Guler, S Stadler
The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis, 572-586, 2012
Sustaining a corpus for spoken Turkish discourse: Accessibility and corpus management issues
Ş Ruhi, B Eröz-Tuğa, Ç Hatipoğlu, H Işık-Güler, MGC Acar, K Eryılmaz, ...
Language Resources: From Storyboard to Sustainability and LR Lifecycle …, 2010
A guideline for transcribing conversations for the construction of spoken Turkish corpora using EXMARaLDA and HIAT
Ş Ruhi, Ç Hatipoğlu, B Eröz-Tuğa, H Işık-Güler
METU Spoken Turkish Corpus Project, 2010
“Be a better version of you!”: A corpus-driven critical discourse analysis of MOOC platforms' marketing communication
H Mısır, H Işık-Güler
Linguistics and Education 69, 101021, 2022
Sözlü Türkçe Derlemi ve Türkçe Ulusal Derleminde (U) lan'ın Edimbilimsel Bir İncelemesi
HI Güler, B Eröz-Tuğa
Dil ve Edebiyat Dergisi 14 (2), 37-60, 2017
Metapragmatics of (im) politeness in Turkish: An exploratory emic investigation
H Işık-Güler
PQDT-Global, 2008
Achieving representativeness through the parameters of spoken language and discursive features: the case of the Spoken Turkish Corpus
Ş Ruhi, H Işık-Güler, Ç Hatipoğlu, B Eröz-Tuğa, D Çokal Karadaş
Language Windowing through Corpora. Visualización del lenguaje a través de …, 2010
An investigation on customer interactional principles and face-threatening speech act performance in service encounters: the case of Turkish and English
H Işık
Middle East Technical University, 2003
Translanguaging dynamics in the digital landscape: insights from a social media corpus
H Mısır, H Işık Güler
Language Awareness 33 (3), 468-487, 2024
Turkey as BODY POLITIC: A Comparative Perspective on Body-related Metaphors from Turkish, British, and American Political News Discourse
E Efeoglu, H Isik Guler
Dilbilim Araştırmaları 28 (1), 57-77, 2017
Displays of co-constructed content knowledge using translanguaging in breakout and main sessions of online EMI classrooms
M Bozbıyık, U Balaman, H Işık-Güler
Linguistics and Education 80, 101275, 2024
Internet-Based Text-Matching Software and EFL Preservice Teachers' Awareness of Academic Integrity: A Case Study in the Turkish Context
IG Kaçar, H Işık-Güler
Redefining the Role of Language in a Globalized World, 243-305, 2021
Appraisal Resources in Book Reviews
B Bal Gezegin, H Işık Güler
Metadiscourse in Written genres: Uncovering Textual and Interactional …, 2017
A corpus-based comparative study of anyway in English and her/neyse in Turkish
K Aytaç
Middle East Technical University, 2014
“Gender equality discourse is the glass ceiling we hit here”: Women's academic leadership narratives in a gender-sensitive university context in Turkey
H Işık-Güler, Y Erdoğan-Öztürk
Globalisation, Geopolitics, and Gender in Professional Communication, 63-84, 2022
‘Tiny but Mighty’Conversational Elements: Explicating Nonlexical Backchannels in Spoken Turkish.
K Aytaç-Demirçivi, H Işık-Güler
Journal of Linguistic Research/Dilbilim Arastirmalari Dergisi 34 (2), 2023
Intercultural discourse: Identity perspectives on business interaction
S Stadler, H Işık-Güler, H Spencer-Oatey
The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis, 625-638, 2023
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