S.Levent Kuzu
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Cited by
Existence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA on ambient particulate matter samples: a nationwide study in Turkey
Ö Kayalar, A Arı, G Babuccu, N Konyalılar, Ö Doğan, F Can, ÜA Şahin, ...
Science of the Total Environment 789, 147976, 2021
Estimation and dispersion modeling of landing and take-off (LTO) cycle emissions from Atatürk International Airport
SL Kuzu
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 11, 153-161, 2018
Assessment of shipping emission factors through monitoring and modelling studies
A Ekmekçioğlu, SL Kuzu, K Ünlügençoğlu, UB Çelebi
Science of the Total Environment 743, 140742, 2020
Medical waste management in a mid-populated Turkish city and development of medical waste prediction model
AY Çetinkaya, SL Kuzu, A Demir
Environment, Development and Sustainability 22, 6233-6244, 2020
Evaluation of railway versus highway emissions using LCA approach between the two cities of Middle Anatolia
L Bilgili, SL Kuzu, AY Çetinkaya, P Kumar
Sustainable Cities and Society 49, 101635, 2019
Life cycle assessment and greenhouse gas emission evaluation from Aksaray solid waste disposal facility
AY Çetinkaya, L Bilgili, SL Kuzu
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 11, 549-558, 2018
Estimation and dispersion analysis of shipping emissions in Bandirma Port, Turkey
SL Kuzu, L Bilgili, A Kiliç
Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, 10288-10308, 2021
A detailed investigation of ambient aerosol composition and size distribution in an urban atmosphere
SL Kuzu, A Saral, S Demir, G Summak, G Demir
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 2556-2568, 2013
Evaluation of background soil and air polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations on a hill at the outskirts of a metropolitan city
SL Kuzu, A Saral, G Güneş, A Karadeniz
Chemosphere 154, 79-89, 2016
Compositional Variation of PCBs, PAHs, and OCPs at Gas Phase and Size Segregated Particle Phase during Dust Incursion from the Saharan Desert in the Northwestern Anatolian …
SL Kuzu
Advances in Meteorology 2016, 2016
Determination of optimum dose of adsorbent for PCDD/F removal in the flue gas of a medical waste incineration plant
G Gunes, A Saral, Ş Yıldız, SL Kuzu
chemical engineering research and design 104, 695-702, 2015
Ambient polychlorinated biphenyl levels and their evaluation in a metropolitan city
SL Kuzu, A Saral, G Summak, H Çoltu, S Demir
Science of the Total Environment 472, 13-19, 2014
Effect of diurnal changes in VOC source strengths on performances of receptor models
S Demir, A Saral, F Ertürk, SL Kuzu, Bİ Goncaloğlu, G Demir
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19, 1503-1514, 2012
Black carbon and size-segregated elemental carbon, organic carbon compositions in a megacity: a case study for Istanbul
SL Kuzu, E Yavuz, E Akyüz, A Saral, BO Akkoyunlu, H Özdemir, G Demir, ...
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 13, 827-837, 2020
Modelling and optimization of dye removal by Fe/Cu bimetallic nanoparticles coated with different Cu ratios
K Ulucan-Altuntas, SL Kuzu
Materials Research Express 6 (11), 1150a4, 2019
The effect of meteorological conditions on aerosol size distribution in Istanbul
SL Kuzu, A Saral
Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 10, 1029-1038, 2017
Air and soil concentrations and source identification of ambient polychlorinated biphenyls in the northeastern Mediterranean region
SL Kuzu, A Saral
CLEAN–Soil, Air, Water 45 (5), 1600050, 2017
Investigation of temporal and spatial variations in atmospheric concentrations of PCDDs and PCDFs in Istanbul
G Gunes, A Saral, H Celikten, SL Kuzu, S Demir, N Uygur
Science of the total environment 488, 469-474, 2014
Estimation of atmospheric PCB releases from industrial facilities in Turkey
SL Kuzu, A Saral, S Demir, H Coltu, M Can, T Beyaz
Atmospheric Pollution Research 4 (4), 420-426, 2013
Combined use of principal component analysis (PCA) and chemical mass balance (CMB) for source identification and source apportionment in air pollution modeling studies
S Demir, A Saral, F Ertürk, L Kuzu
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 212, 429-439, 2010
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Articles 1–20