Fedir Geche, Федір Гече
Fedir Geche, Федір Гече
професор кафедри кібернетики і прикладної математики, Uzhhorod National University
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Cited by
Development of combined information technology for time series prediction
O Mulesa, F Geche, A Batyuk, V Buchok
Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies, 361-373, 2017
Designing fuzzy expert methods of numeric evaluation of an object for the problems of forecasting
O Mulesa, F Geche
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 37-43, 2016
On the computational complexity of learning bithreshold neural units and networks
V Kotsovsky, F Geche, A Batyuk
Lecture Notes in Computational Intelligence and Decision Making: Proceedings …, 2020
Information technology for determining structure of social group based on fuzzy c-means
O Mulesa, F Geche, A Batyuk
2015 Xth International Scientific and Technical Conference" Computer …, 2015
Finite generalization of the offline spectral learning
V Kotsovsky, F Geche, A Batyuk
2018 IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2018
Algebraic aspects of threshold logic
NN Aizenberg, AA Bovdi, EI Gergo, FE Geche
Cybernetics 16 (2), 188-193, 1980
Development of effective time series forecasting model
F Geche, A Batyuk, O Mulesa, M Vashkeba
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering …, 2015
Development of models and algorithms for estimating the potential of personnel at health care institutions
О Mulesa, F Geche, V Nazarov, M Trombola
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 52-59, 2019
Artificial complex neurons with half-plane-like and angle-like activation function
V Kotsovsky, F Geche, A Batyuk
2015 Xth International Scientific and Technical Conference" Computer …, 2015
Development of synthesis method of predictive schemes based on basic predictive models
ФЕ Гече, ОЮ Мулеса, СФ Гече, ММ Вашкеба
Technology Audit and Production Reserves 3 (2), 36-41, 2015
Bithreshold neural network classifier
V Kotsovsky, F Geche, A Batyuk
2020 IEEE 15th international conference on computer sciences and information …, 2020
Synthesis of the integer neural elements
F Geche, V Kotsovsky, A Batyuk
2015 Xth International Scientific and Technical Conference" Computer …, 2015
Synthesis of Time Series Forecasting Scheme Based on Forecasting Models System.
F Geche, V Kotsovsky, A Batyuk, S Geche, M Vashkeba
ICTERI, 121-136, 2015
Information technology for time series forecasting with considering fuzzy expert evaluations
O Mulesa, F Geche, V Voloshchuk, V Buchok, A Batyuk
2017 12th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2017
Using a systematic approach in the process of the assessment problem analysis of the staff capacity within the health care institution
O Mulesa, F Geche, A Batyuk, I Myronyuk
2018 IEEE 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Computer …, 2018
Verification of realizability of boolean functions by a neural element with a threshold activation function
F Geche, O Mulesa, V Buchok
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий 1 (4 (85)), 30-40, 2017
The Combined Time Series Forecasting Model
F Geche, A Batyuk, O Mulesa, V Voloshchuk
2020 IEEE Third International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing …, 2020
Synthesis of a two cascade neural network for time series forecasting
F Geche, O Mitsa, O Mulesa, P Horvat
2022 IEEE 3rd International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent …, 2022
Generalized logical neural functions over the galois field and their properties
F Geche, O Mulesa, V Voloshchuk, A Batyuk
2019 IEEE 14th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information …, 2019
Synthesis of generalized neural elements by means of the tolerance matrices
F Geche, O Mulesa, V Buchok
Восточно-Европейский журнал передовых технологий, 50-62, 2017
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Articles 1–20