Prof. Ramazan AKÇAN, MD., PhD.
Prof. Ramazan AKÇAN, MD., PhD.
Other namesRamazan Akcan
Hacettepe University Medical Faculty Department of Forensic Medicine
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Cited by
Protective agent, erdosteine, against cisplatin-induced hepatic oxidant injury in rats
A Koc, M Duru, H Ciralik, R Akcan, S Sogut
Molecular and cellular biochemistry 278, 79-84, 2005
Child sexual abuse: seven years in practice
K Bahali, R Akçan, AY Tahiroglu, A Avci
Journal of forensic sciences 55 (3), 633-636, 2010
Effects of different types of soil on decomposition: An experimental study
AR Tumer, E Karacaoglu, A Namli, A Keten, S Farasat, R Akcan, O Sert, ...
Legal Medicine 15 (3), 149-156, 2013
Nanotoxicity: a challenge for future medicine
R Akçan, HC Aydogan, MŞ Yildirim, B Taştekin, N Sağlam
Turkish journal of medical sciences 50 (4), 1180-1196, 2020
Postmortem burning of the corpses following homicide
AR Tümer, R Akçan, E Karacaoğlu, A Balseven-Odabaşı, A Keten, ...
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 19 (4), 223-228, 2012
Analysis of methanol and its derivatives in illegally produced alcoholic beverages
MM Arslan, C Zeren, Z Aydin, R Akcan, R Dokuyucu, A Keten, N Cekin
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 33, 56-60, 2015
Age and sex estimation by metric measurements and fusion of hyoid bone in a Turkish population
A Balseven-Odabasi, E Yalcinozan, A Keten, R Akçan, AR Tumer, A Onan, ...
Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 20 (5), 496-501, 2013
Suicide among children and adolescents: data from Cukurova, Turkey
M Arslan, R Akçan, A Hilal, H Batuk, N Çekin
Child psychiatry and human development 38, 271-277, 2007
Analysis of the hematological and biochemical parameters related to lead intoxication
H Yılmaz, A Keten, E Karacaoğlu, E Tutkun, R Akçan
Journal of forensic and legal medicine 19 (8), 452-454, 2012
Determination of organochlorine pesticides residues in human adipose tissue, data from Cukurova, Turkey
N Daglioglu, MK Gulmen, R Akcan, P Efeoglu, F Yener, İ Ünal
Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology 85, 97-102, 2010
Cerrahide aydınlatılmış onam ile ilgili sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri
AR Tümer, E Karacaoğlu, R Akçan
Turkish Journal of Surgery 27 (4), 191-197, 2011
Childhood deaths due to electrocution in Adana, Turkey
R Akçan, A Hilal, MK Gülmen, N Cekin
Acta paediatrica 96 (3), 443-445, 2007
Hatay ağır ceza mahkemesinde karara bağlanan cinsel suçların analizi
M Arslan, H Kar, R Akcan, N Çekin
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy as a novel tool for rapid quantification of heroin and metabolites in saliva
R Akçan, MŞ Yildirim, H İlhan, B Güven, U Tamer, N Sağlam
Turkish journal of medical sciences 50 (5), 1470-1479, 2020
Hatay Ağır Ceza ve Asliye Hukuk Mahkemelerine 2007 yılında yansıyan yaş tespiti davalarının incelenmesi
MM Arslan, N Çekin, R Akçan, E Saylak
Adli Tıp Dergisi 22 (2), 8-13, 2008
Omics era in forensic medicine: Towards a new age
R Akçan, B Taştekin, MŞ Yildirim, HC Aydogan, N Sağlam
Turkish journal of medical sciences 50 (5), 1480-1490, 2020
Forensic geriatric deaths in Adana, Turkey
A Hilal, R Akçan, A Eren, A Turhan, M Arslan
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 50 (3), e9-e12, 2010
Determination of pesticides in postmortem blood and bone marrow of pesticide treated rabbits
R Akcan, A Hilal, N Daglioglu, N Cekin, MK Gulmen
Forensic science international 189 (1-3), 82-87, 2009
Elderly deaths in Ankara, Turkey
T Akar, M Karapirli, R Akçan, B Demirel, B Akduman, AZ Dursun, S Sari, ...
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 59 (2), 398-402, 2014
The relationship of trauma severity and mortality with cardiac enzymes and cytokines at multiple trauma patients
A Karakuþ, Z Kekeç, R Akçan, G Seydaoðlu
Turkish Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 18 (4), 289-295, 2012
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Articles 1–20