Ali Karakus
Ali Karakus
Mechanical Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University
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Cited by
NekRS, a GPU-accelerated spectral element Navier–Stokes solver
P Fischer, S Kerkemeier, M Min, YH Lan, M Phillips, T Rathnayake, ...
Parallel Computing 114, 102982, 2022
Acceleration of tensor-product operations for high-order finite element methods
K Świrydowicz, N Chalmers, A Karakus, T Warburton
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 33 (4 …, 2019
Efficient exascale discretizations: High-order finite element methods
T Kolev, P Fischer, M Min, J Dongarra, J Brown, V Dobrev, T Warburton, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 35 (6 …, 2021
A GPU accelerated discontinuous Galerkin incompressible flow solver
A Karakus, N Chalmers, K Świrydowicz, T Warburton
Journal of Computational Physics 390, 380-404, 2019
libParanumal: a performance portable high-order finite element library
N Chalmers, A Karakus, AP Austin, K Swirydowicz, T Warburton
Release 0.3 2, 2020
GPU algorithms for efficient exascale discretizations
A Abdelfattah, V Barra, N Beams, R Bleile, J Brown, JS Camier, R Carson, ...
Parallel Computing 108, 102841, 2021
A GPU accelerated level set reinitialization for an adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method
A Karakus, T Warburton, MH Aksel, C Sert
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72 (3), 755-767, 2016
An adaptive fully discontinuous Galerkin level set method for incompressible multiphase flows
A Karakus, T Warburton, MH Aksel, C Sert
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 28 (6 …, 2018
A GPU-accelerated adaptive discontinuous Galerkin method for level set equation
A Karakus, T Warburton, H Aksel, C Sert
International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 30 (1), 56-68, 2016
Computational study of the effect of governing parameters on a polymer injection molding process for single-cavity and multicavity mold systems
M Tutar, A Karakus
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Transactions of the ASME …, 2010
Discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of the Boltzmann–BGK equations for nearly incompressible flows: Semi-analytic time stepping and absorbing boundary layers
A Karakus, N Chalmers, JS Hesthaven, T Warburton
Journal of Computational Physics 390, 175-202, 2019
Physics-informed neural networks for mesh deformation with exact boundary enforcement
A Aygun, R Maulik, A Karakus
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 125, 106660, 2023
Computational modeling of the effects of viscous dissipation on polymer melt flow behavior during injection molding process in plane channels
M Tuar, A Karakus
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering 135 (1), 2013
Injection Molding Simulation of a Compressible Polymer
M Tutar, A Karakus
Journal of Polymer Engineering 29 (6), 355-384, 2009
3-D Computational Modelling of Process Condition Effects on Polymer Injection Molding
M Tutar, A Karakus
International Polymer Processing 24 (5), 384, 2010
Physics informed neural networks for two dimensional incompressible thermal convection problems
A Aygun, A Karakus
Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi 42 (2), 221-232, 2022
Numerical study of polymer melt flow in a three-dimensional sudden expansion: viscous dissipation effects
M Tutar, A Karakus
Journal of Polymer Engineering 34 (8), 755-764, 2014
An Accelerated Nodal Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Thermal Convection on Unstructured Meshes: Formulation and Validation
Isı Bilimi ve Tekniği Dergisi 42 (1), 91-100, 2022
A local discontinuous Galerkin level set reinitialization with subcell stabilization on unstructured meshes
A Karakus, N Chalmers, T Warburton
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 123, 160-170, 2022
CEED-MS34: Improve performance and capabilities of CEED-enabled ECP applications on summit/sierra. exascale computing project milestone report
T Kolev, P Fischer, A Abdelfattah, S Ananthan, V Barra, N Beams, R Bleile, ...
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2020
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Articles 1–20