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Selin Metin Camgoz
Selin Metin Camgoz
hacettepe.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Psychological empowerment and its relationship to trust in immediate managers
A Ergeneli, GS Arı, S Metin
Journal of business research 60 (1), 41-49, 2007
Perceptions of transformational leadership and job satisfaction: The roles of personality traits and psychological empowerment §
C Aydogmus, SM Camgoz, A Ergeneli, OT Ekmekci
Journal of Management & Organization 24 (1), 81-107, 2018
The advances in the history of cognitive dissonance theory
I Metin, SM Camgoz
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 1 (6), 131-136, 2011
The interaction between culture and sex in the formation of entrepreneurial intentions
R Shneor, SM Camgöz, PB Karapinar
Cultural Values and Entrepreneurship, 93-115, 2017
Employee wellbeing, workaholism, work–family conflict and instrumental spousal support: A moderated mediation model
P Bayhan Karapinar, S Metin Camgoz, O Tayfur Ekmekci
Journal of Happiness Studies 21 (7), 2451-2471, 2020
360 derece performans değerlendirme ve geri bildirim: bir üniversite mediko-sosyal merkezi birim amirlerinin yönetsel yetkinliklerinin değerlendirilmesi üzerine pilot uygulama …
SM Camgöz, İN Alperten
Yönetim ve Ekonomi Dergisi 13 (2), 191-212, 2006
The mediating effects of emotional exhaustion cynicism and learned helplessness on organizational justice-turnover intentions linkage.
O Tayfur, P Bayhan Karapinar, S Metin Camgoz
International Journal of Stress Management 20 (3), 193, 2013
Job insecurity and turnover intentions: Gender differences and the mediating role of work engagement
S Metin Camgoz, O Tayfur Ekmekci, P Bayhan Karapinar, B Kumbul Guler
Sex Roles 75, 583-598, 2016
Academic attributional style, self-efficacy and gender: A cross-cultural comparison
SM Camgoz, OO Tektas, I Metin
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 36 (1), 97-114, 2008
Managing job satisfaction: The mediating effect of procedural fairness
SM Camgoz, PB Karapinar
International Journal of Business and Social Science 2 (8), 234-243, 2011
Kişilik özellikleri ile finansal performans arasındaki ilişkiler: a tipi yatırım fonu yöneticileri üzerinde bir değerlendirme
SM Camgöz
Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Hacettepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü …, 2009
The mediating effect of organizational trust on the link between the areas of work life and emotional exhaustion.
P Bayhan Karapinar, S Metin Camgoz, O Tayfur Ekmekci
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice 16 (6), 1947-1980, 2016
Effect of brand value announcements on stock returns: empirical evidence from Turkey
P Basgoze, Y Yildiz, S Metin Camgoz
Journal of Business Economics and Management 17 (6), 1252-1269, 2016
The buffering effect of perceived organizational support on the relationships among workload, work–family interference, and affective commitment: A study on nurses
OT Ekmekci, D Xhako, SM Camgoz
Journal of Nursing Research 29 (2), e140, 2021
Relationship between the Big-Five personality and the financial performance of fund managers
SM Camgoz, MB Karan, A Ergeneli
Diversity, conflict, and leadership, 137-152, 2017
The role of savoring in work-family conflict
SM Camgoz
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 42 (2), 177-188, 2014
The relationship between self-efficacy and conflict-handling styles in terms of relative authority positions of the two parties
A Ergeneli, SM Camgoz, PB Karapinar
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 38 (1), 13-28, 2010
Linking secure attachment to commitment: Trust in supervisors
S Metin Camgöz, P Bayhan Karapinar
Leadership & Organization Development Journal 37 (3), 387-402, 2016
Attachment style, openness to experience, and social contact as predictors of attitudes toward homosexuality
I Metin-Orta, S Metin-Camgöz
Journal of Homosexuality 67 (4), 528-553, 2020
Mobbing, organizational identification, and perceived support: Evidence from a higher education institution
S Coskuner, R Costur, P Bayhan-karapınar, S Metin-Camgoz, S Ceylan, ...
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 18 (73), 19-40, 2018
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