Jan Skopek
Jan Skopek
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Trinity Collge Dublin
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Who contacts whom? Educational homophily in online mate selection
J Skopek, F Schulz, HP Blossfeld
European Sociological Review 27 (2), 180-195, 2011
The demography of grandparenthood: An international profile
T Leopold, J Skopek
Social Forces 94 (2), 801-832, 2015
Models of secondary education and social inequality: An international comparison
HP Blossfeld, S Buchholz, J Skopek, M Triventi
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016
Socioeconomic inequality in children’s achievement from infancy to adolescence: The case of Germany
J Skopek, G Passaretta
Social Forces 100 (1), 86-112, 2021
Social background and children's cognitive skills: The role of early childhood education and care in a cross-national perspective
N Kulic, J Skopek, M Triventi, HP Blossfeld
Annual Review of Sociology 45 (1), 557-579, 2019
Gender, education and employment: An international comparison of school-to-work transitions
HP Blossfeld, J Skopek, M Triventi, S Buchholz
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015
Partnersuche im Internet
J Skopek, F Schulz, HP Blossfeld
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 61 (2), 183, 2009
The gendered dynamics of age preferences-Empirical evidence from online dating
J Skopek, A Schmitz, HP Blossfeld
Zeitschrift für Familienforschung 23 (3), 267-290, 2011
How to increase PhD completion rates? An impact evaluation of two reforms in a selective graduate school, 1976–2012
K Geven, J Skopek, M Triventi
Research in higher education 59, 529-552, 2018
Childcare, early education and social inequality: An international perspective
HP Blossfeld, N Kulic, J Skopek, M Triventi
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Gender convergence in housework time: A life course and cohort perspective
T Leopold, J Skopek, F Schulz
Sociological Science 5, 281, 2018
Partnerwahl im Internet: Eine quantitative Analyse von Strukturen und Prozessen der Online-Partnersuche
J Skopek
Springer-Verlag, 2011
Convergence or continuity? The gender gap in household labor after retirement
T Leopold, J Skopek
Journal of Marriage and Family 77 (4), 819-832, 2015
Advantage ‘finds its way’: How privileged families exploit opportunities in different systems of secondary education
M Triventi, J Skopek, N Kulic, S Buchholz, HP Blossfeld
Sociology 54 (2), 237-257, 2020
The delay of grandparenthood: A cohort comparison in East and West Germany
T Leopold, J Skopek
Journal of Marriage and Family 77 (2), 441-460, 2015
Gender and the division of labor in older couples: How European grandparents share market work and childcare
T Leopold, J Skopek
Social Forces 93 (1), 63-91, 2014
How do institutional factors shape PhD completion rates? An analysis of long-term changes in a European doctoral program
J Skopek, M Triventi, HP Blossfeld
Studies in Higher Education 47 (2), 318-337, 2022
Secondary school differentiation and inequality of educational opportunity in Germany
S Buchholz, J Skopek, M Zielonka, H Ditton, F Wohlkinger, A Schier
Models of secondary education and social inequality, 79-92, 2016
Secondary school systems and inequality of educational opportunity in contemporary societies
M Triventi, N Kulic, J Skopek, HP Blossfeld
Models of secondary education and social inequality, 3-24, 2016
Partnerwahl als konsensuelle Entscheidung
F Schulz, J Skopek, HP Blossfeld
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 62 (3), 485, 2010
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