S Sörlin
Cited by
Cited by
A safe operating space for humanity
J Rockström, W Steffen, K Noone, Å Persson, FS Chapin, EF Lambin, ...
Nature 461 (7263), 472-475, 2009
Planetary boundaries: guiding human development on a changing planet.
W Steffen, K Richardson, J Rockström, SE Cornell, I Fetzer, EM Bennett, ...
Science (New York, NY) 347 (6223), 1259855-1259855, 2015
Planetary boundaries: exploring the safe operating space for humanity
J Rockström, W Steffen, K Noone, Å Persson, FS Chapin III, E Lambin, ...
Ecology and society 14 (2), 2009
Changing the intellectual climate
N Castree, WM Adams, J Barry, D Brockington, B Büscher, E Corbera, ...
Nature climate change 4 (9), 763-768, 2014
Reconceptualizing the ‘Anthropos’ in the Anthropocene: Integrating the social sciences and humanities in global environmental change research
G Pálsson, B Szerszynski, S Sörlin, C Crumley, H Hackmann, P Holm, ...
Environmental Science and Policy 28, 3-13, 2013
Social movements and ecosystem services–the role of social network structure in protecting and managing urban green areas in Stockholm
H Ernstson, S Sörlin, T Elmqvist
Ecology and Society 13 (2), 39, 2008
The environment -- a history of the idea
P Warde, L Robin, S Sörlin
Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018
Framtidslandet: Debatten om Norrland och naturresurserna under det industriella genombrottet
S Sörlin
Carlssons, 1988
Narrating the Arctic: A Cultural History of Nordic Scientific Practices
M Bravo, S Sörlin
Science History Publications, 2002
Denationalizing science: the contexts of international scientific practice
E Crawford, T Shinn, S Sörlin
Springer Science & Business Media, 1993
Friluftshistoria: Från "härdande friluftslif" till ekoturism och miljöpedagogik
K Sandell, S Sörlin
Carlsson bokförlag, 2000
& Foley, J.(2009). Planetary boundaries: exploring the safe operating space for humanity
J Rockström, W Steffen, K Noone, Å Persson, FS Chapin III, E Lambin, ...
Ecology and society 14 (2), 32, 0
Ecosystem services as technology of globalization: On articulating values in urban nature
H Ernstson, S Sörlin
Ecological Economics 86, 274-284, 2013
Funding diversity: performance-based funding regimes as drivers of differentiation in higher education systems
S Sörlin
Higher Education Policy 20, 413-440, 2007
Knowledge Society vs. Knowledge Economy: Knowledge, Power, and Politics
S Sörlin, H Vessuri
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
The Problem of the Problem of Environmental History: A Re-reading of the Field
S Sörlin, P Warde
Environmental History 12 (1), 107-130, 2007
Environmental humanities: Why should biologists interested in the environment take the humanities seriously?
S Sörlin
BioScience 62 (9), 788-789, 2012
The articulation of territory: landscape and the constitution of regional and national identity
S Sörlin
Norsk geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian journal of geography 53 (2-3), 103-112, 1999
The Nationalization and Denationalization of the Sciences: An Introductory Essay
E Crawford, T Shinn, S Sörlin
Denationalizing Science: The Contexts of International Scientific Practice …, 1993
Response to Comment on “Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet”
D Gerten, J Rockström, J Heinke, W Steffen, K Richardson, S Cornell
Science 348 (6240), 1217-1217, 2015
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Articles 1–20