Mustafa Hatipoglu
Mustafa Hatipoglu
Assistant Professor , Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
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Cited by
Mechanical and environmental suitability of recycled concrete aggregate as a highway base material
JO Bestgen, M Hatipoglu, B Cetin, AH Aydilek
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 28 (9), 04016067, 2016
Drainage and mechanical behavior of highway base materials
I Haider, Z Kaya, A Cetin, M Hatipoglu, B Cetin, AH Aydilek
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 140 (6), 04014012, 2014
Hydraulic and environmental impacts of using recycled asphalt pavement on highway shoulders
Z Mijic, AY Dayioglu, M Hatipoglu, AH Aydilek
Construction and Building Materials 234, 117226, 2020
Evaluation of the mechanical performance of recycled concrete aggregates used in highway base layers
I Haider, B Cetin, Z Kaya, M Hatipoglu, A Cetin, HA Ahmet
Geo-Congress 2014: Geo-Characterization and Modeling for Sustainability …, 2014
Effects of fines content on hydraulic and mechanical performance of unbound granular base aggregates
M Hatipoglu, B Cetin, AH Aydilek
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements 146 (1), 04019036, 2020
Shear and hydraulic properties of compost-amended topsoils for use on highway slopes
AO Duzgun, M Hatipoglu, AH Aydilek
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33 (8), 04021192, 2021
Stiffness properties of recycled concrete aggregates as unbound base and subbase materials under freeze and thaw cycles
M Akbas, R Iyisan, AY Dayioglu, M Hatipoglu
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 46 (11), 10569-10584, 2021
Field evaluation of a geotextile filter for stormwater runoff control
C Franks, J Koebler, R Myers, M Hatipoglu, AP Davis, AH Aydilek
Geosynthetics International 22 (4), 288-300, 2015
Kalıcı kayma mukavemetinin laboratuvar deneyleri ile belirlenmesi
M Hatipoğlu
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
A Cyclic True Triaxial with Rigid-Rigid-Flexible Boundary for Determination of Cross-Anisotropic Nature of Geomaterials
C Aydin, M Hatipoglu, B Cetin, H Ceylan
Geotechnical Testing Journal 46 (1), 1-19, 2023
Determination of the Resilient Modulus under Anisotropic Stress Conditions
C Aydin, M Hatipoglu, B Cetin, H Ceylan
IFCEE 2021, 381-389, 2021
Development of design guidelines for proper selection of graded aggregate base in Maryland state highways.
AH Aydilek, I Haider, A Cetin, Z Kaya, M Hatipoglu
Maryland. State Highway Administration. Office of Policy & Research, 2015
The effect of testing methods on residual shear strength of cohesive soils
A Bayin, R Iyisan, M Hatipoglu, G Cevikbilen, A Isik
2nd International Balkans Conference on Challenges of Civil Engineering, 2013
Comparative Evaluation of Mechanical Performance of Steel Slag and Earthen Granular Aggregates_
AY Dayioglu, M Hatipoglu, A Aydilek
Journal of Sustainable Construction Materials and Technologies 8 (1), 12-19, 2023
Beneficial Use of Recycled Concrete Aggregate as Base and Subbase Material in Turkey
M Akbas, A Yalcin Dayioglu, M Hatipoglu, R Iyisan
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2020, 226-236, 2020
Donma ve Çözülmenin Taşıma Gücüne Etkisi
A Işık, R İyisan, M Hatipoğlu, G Çevikbilen
Kayaya soketli kazıkların mühendislik davranışı
M Hatipoğlu
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2002
Comparative evaluation of the long-term filtration performance of recycled materials in highway drainage systems
A Bayin Sariahmetoglu, M Hatipoglu, AY Dayioglu
Geotechnical Testing Journal 47 (1), 45-64, 2024
Improve Material Inputs into Mechanistic Design Properties for Reclaimed HMA & Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) Roadways
B Cetin, I Gheibi, TB Edil, M Hatipoglu, HS Coban, 2021
Geri Dönüştürülebilir Atık Malzemelerin Geoteknik Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırmalı Olarak İncelenmesi
B Korkmaz, Ş Taştan, AY Dayıoğlu, M Hatipoğlu
Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 39 (1), 1-12, 2023
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Articles 1–20