Faruk Aydin
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Cited by
Generation of the Early Cenozoic adakitic volcanism by partial melting of mafic lower crust, Eastern Turkey: implications for crustal thickening to delamination
O Karsli, A Dokuz, İ Uysal, F Aydin, R Kandemir, J Wijbrans
Lithos 114 (1-2), 109-120, 2010
Geochemical and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of the Eocene Dölek and Sariçiçek Plutons, Eastern Turkey: implications for magma interaction in the genesis of high-K calc …
O Karsli, B Chen, F Aydin, C Şen
Lithos 98 (1-4), 67-96, 2007
Relative contributions of crust and mantle to generation of Campanian high-K calc-alkaline I-type granitoids in a subduction setting, with special reference to the Harşit …
O Karsli, A Dokuz, I Uysal, F Aydin, B Chen, R Kandemir, J Wijbrans
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 160, 467-487, 2010
Petrogenesis of the Neogene alkaline volcanics with implications for post-collisional lithospheric thinning of the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey
F Aydin, O Karsli, B Chen
Lithos 104 (1-4), 249-266, 2008
Adakite-like granitoid porphyries in the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: Potential parental melts and geodynamic implications
O Karsli, M Ketenci, İ Uysal, A Dokuz, F Aydin, B Chen, R Kandemir, ...
Lithos 127 (1-2), 354-372, 2011
Acigöl rhyolite field, Central Anatolia (part 1): high-resolution dating of eruption episodes and zircon growth rates
AK Schmitt, M Danišík, NJ Evans, W Siebel, E Kiemele, F Aydin, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162, 1215-1231, 2011
Mineralogy and composition of the chromitites and their platinum-group minerals from Ortaca (Muğla-SW Turkey): evidence for ophiolitic chromitite genesis
I Uysal, MB Sadiklar, M Tarkian, O Karsli, F Aydin
Mineralogy and petrology 83, 219-242, 2005
Geochemical fingerprints of Late Triassic calc-alkaline lamprophyres from the Eastern Pontides, NE Turkey: A key to understanding lamprophyre formation in a subduction-related …
O Karsli, A Dokuz, M Kaliwoda, I Uysal, F Aydin, R Kandemir, KT Fehr
Lithos 196, 181-197, 2014
Quaternary bimodal volcanism in the Niğde Volcanic Complex (Cappadocia, central Anatolia, Turkey): age, petrogenesis and geodynamic implications
F Aydin, AK Schmitt, W Siebel, M Sönmez, Y Ersoy, A Lermi, K Dirik, ...
Contribution to Mineralogy and Petrology 168 (1078), 1-24, 2014
Geochronology, geochemistry, and petrogenesis of the Maçka subvolcanic intrusions: implications for the Late Cretaceous magmatic and geodynamic evolution of the eastern part of …
F Aydin
International Geology Review 56 (10), 1246-1275, 2014
Latest Cretaceous “A2-type” granites in the Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey: Partial melting of mafic lower crust in response to roll-back of Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere
O Karsli, F Aydin, I Uysal, A Dokuz, M Kumral, R Kandemir, M Budakoglu, ...
Lithos 302, 312-328, 2018
Postcollisional transition from subduction-to intraplate-type magmatism in the eastern Sakarya zone, Turkey: Indicators of northern Neotethyan slab breakoff
A Dokuz, F Aydin, O Karslı
GSA Bulletin 131 (9-10), 1623-1642, 2019
Temporal, geochemical and geodynamic evolution of the Late Cretaceous subduction zone volcanism in the eastern Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey: Implications for mantle-crust …
F Aydin, SO Saka, C Şen, A Dokuz, T Aiglsperger, I Uysal, R Kandemir, ...
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 192, 104217, 2020
The morphology and chemistry of K-feldspar megacrysts from Ikizdere Pluton: evidence for acid and basic magma interactions in granitoid rocks, NE–Turkey
O Karsli, F Aydin, MB Sadiklar
Geochemistry 64 (2), 155-170, 2004
Contrasting complexities in the evolution of calc-alkaline and alkaline melts of the Nigde volcanic rocks, Turkey: textural, mineral chemical and geochemical evidence
F Aydin
European Journal of Mineralogy 20 (1), 101, 2008
Magma interaction recorded in plagioclase zoning in granitoid systems, Zigana Granitoid, Eastern Pontides, Turkey
O Karsli, F Aydin, MB Sadiklar
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 13 (3), 287-306, 2004
Elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic geochemistry of the most recent Quaternary volcanism in the Erzincan Basin, Eastern Turkey: framework for the evaluation of basalt–lower crust …
O Karsli, B Chen, I Uysal, F Aydin, JR Wijbrans, R Kandemir
Lithos 106 (1-2), 55-70, 2008
Acigöl rhyolite field, central Anatolia (part II): geochemical and isotopic (Sr–Nd–Pb, δ18O) constraints on volcanism involving two high-silica rhyolite suites
W Siebel, AK Schmitt, E Kiemele, M Danišík, F Aydin
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 162, 1233-1247, 2011
C2/c pyroxene phenocrysts from three potassic series in the Neogene alkaline volcanics, NE Turkey: their crystal chemistry with petrogenetic significance as an indicator of P–T …
F Aydin, RM Thompson, O Karsli, H Uchida, JB Burt, RT Downs
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 158, 131-147, 2009
Adakite-like parental melt generation by partial fusion of juvenile lower crust, Sakarya Zone, NE Turkey: a far-field response to break-off of the southern Neotethyan oceanic …
O Karsli, A Dokuz, R Kandemir, F Aydin, AK Schmitt, EY Ersoy, C Alyıldız
Lithos 338, 58-72, 2019
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Articles 1–20