Sebnem Ercalik Yalcinkaya
Sebnem Ercalik Yalcinkaya
Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry
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Treatment of melanin-pigmented gingiva and oral mucosa by CO2 laser
S Ozbayrak, A Dumlu, S Ercalik-Yalcinkaya
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2000
Association between oral mucosal lesions and hygiene habits in a population of removable prosthesis wearers
S Ercalik‐Yalcinkaya, M Özcan
Journal of Prosthodontics 24 (4), 271-278, 2015
Improvement of oral health knowledge in a group of visually impaired students
SE Yalcinkaya, T Atalay
Oral Health and Preventive Dentistry 4 (4), 243, 2006
Cytologic and DNA‐cytometric examination of oral lesions in lichen planus
D Maraki, S Yalcinkaya, N Pomjanski, M Megahed, A Boecking, J Becker
Journal of oral pathology & medicine 35 (4), 227-232, 2006
Subjective image quality of digitally filtered radiographs acquired by the Dürr Vistascan system compared with conventional radiographs
S Yalcinkaya, A Künzel, R Willers, M Thoms, J Becker
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2006
Evaluation of panoramic radiographs taken from 1,056 Turkish children
N Bekiroglu, S Mete, G Ozbay, S Yalcinkaya, B Kargul
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 18 (1), 8-12, 2015
Cytologic and DNA‐cytometric follow‐up of oral leukoplakia after CO2‐ and Er:YAG‐laser assisted ablation: A pilot study
F Schwarz, D Maraki, S Yalcinkaya, K Bieling, A Böcking, J Becker
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine: The Official Journal of the American Society …, 2005
Knowledge and attitudes of Turkish endodontists towards digital radiology and cone beam computed tomography
SE Yalcinkaya, YG Berker, S Peker, FB Basturk
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 17 (4), 471-475, 2014
Osteomyelitis due to arsenic trioxide use for tooth devitalization
A Dumlu, S Yalcinkaya, V Olgac, M Güvercin
International Endodontic Journal 40 (4), 317-322, 2007
Associations between periapical health of maxillary molars and mucosal thickening of maxillary sinuses in cone-beam computed tomographic images: a retrospective study
M Sakir, SE Yalcinkaya
Journal of Endodontics 46 (3), 397-403, 2020
Attitudes and knowledge of paediatric dentists' on digital radiography and cone beam computed tomography
FE Giray, S Peker, SE Yalcinkaya, B Kargul, J Aps
J Pak Med Assoc 69 (2), 205-210, 2019
Demirjian's system for estimating dental age among Northwestern Turkish children aged 4-16 years.
S Ercalikyalcinkaya, A Dumlu, N Bekiroglu, G Kizilyel, B Kargul
European Journal of Paediatric Dentistry 14 (3), 225-230, 2013
CO2 laser management of leukoplakias: A clinical follow up
SE Yalcinkaya, A Dumlu, V Olgac, S Ozbayrak
J Oral Laser Appl 5, 91-102, 2005
Association between second mesiobuccal canal and apical periodontitis in retrospective cone‐beam computed tomographic images
G Colakoglu, I Kaya Buyukbayram, MA Elcin, Y Garip Berker, ...
Australian Endodontic Journal 49 (1), 20-26, 2023
Panoramic dental X-ray exposure leads to oxidative stress, inflammation and apoptosis-mediated developmental defects in zebrafish embryos
A Karagöz, M Beler, BD Altun, İ Ünal, D Cansız, H Gündüz, AA Alturfan, ...
Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 124 (6), 101661, 2023
KIBT görüntülerinde rastlantı bulgusu olarak görülen yumuşak doku kalsifikasyonları
N Bayramov, A Üsdat, ŞE Yalçınkaya
Selcuk Dental Journal 6 (4), 228-233, 2019
A light based screening method based on tissue autofluorescence for oral precancerous lesions: A review
SE Yalçinkaya
Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 3 (2), 107, 2013
In vitro comparison of intraoral films and four image plate systems in radiographic caries diagnosis
SE Yalçinkaya, A Künzel, J Becker
Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences 2 (4), 175, 2012
CO2 laser treatment of physiological melanin-pigmented oral tissues
A Dumlu, S Ercalik-Yalcinkaya, S Ozbayrak
J Oral Laser Applic 3, 211-217, 2003
Incidental Soft Tissue Calcifications in Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Images: A Retrospective Study.
N Bayramov, AÜ Öztürk, ŞE Yalçinkaya
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dental Sciences 28 (2), 2022
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Articles 1–20