Zeynep Tuğçe Kalender
Zeynep Tuğçe Kalender
Other namesZeynep Tuğçe Şimşit; Zeynep Tuğçe Şimşit-Kalender
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Theory of constraints: A literature review
ZT Şimşit, NS Günay, Ö Vayvay
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 150, 930-936, 2014
The fifth pillar of the balanced scorecard: Sustainability
ZT Kalender, Ö Vayvay
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 235, 76-83, 2016
Solid waste disposal methodology selection using multi-criteria decision making methods and an application in Turkey
E Arıkan, ZT Şimşit-Kalender, Ö Vayvay
Journal of Cleaner Production 142, 403-412, 2017
Hospital service quality evaluation with IVIF-PROMETHEE and a case study
G Tuzkaya, B Sennaroglu, ZT Kalender, M Mutlu
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 2019
An outline of innovation management process: building a framework for managers to implement innovation
ZT Şimşit, Ö Vayvay, Ö Öztürk
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 150, 690-699, 2014
An integrated DEMATEL–IF-TOPSIS methodology for logistics centers’ location selection problem: an application for Istanbul Metropolitan area
C Uyanik, G Tuzkaya, ZT Kalender, S Oguztimur
Transport 35 (6), 548-556, 2020
How Do Mobile Wallets Improve Sustainability in Payment Services? A Comprehensive Literature Review
E Hopalı, Ö Vayvay, ZT Kalender, D Turhan, C Aysuna
Sustainability 14 (24), 16541, 2022
A two-stage MCDM model for reverse logistics network design of waste batteries in Turkey
HS Kilic, ZT Kalender, B Solmaz, D Iseri
Applied Soft Computing 143, 110373, 2023
Bir Çağrı Merkezinde Müşteri Şikayetlerinin Düşünce Süreçleri İle Değerlendirilmesi
S Birgün, T Öztepe, ZT Şimşit
İstanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi, 2011
Prioritization of Medical Errors in Patient Safety Management: Framework Using Interval-Valued Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
ZT Kalender, HT Tozan, O Vayvay
Healthcare 8 (3), 265, 2020
Tools to support managerial decision-building competencies in data driven decision making in manufacturing SMEs
M Žilka, ZT Kalender, J Lhota, V Kalina, R Pinto
Procedia Computer Science 232, 416-425, 2024
A Comparative Analysis of Digital Maturity Models to Determine Future Steps in the Way of Digital Transformation
ZT Kalender, M Žilka
Procedia Computer Science 232, 903-912, 2024
Analysis of supply chain disruption factors under the effect of covid-19 pandemic via neutrosophic fuzzy dematel
F Cayvaz, G Tuzkaya, ZT Kalender, HS Kilic
International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 347-354, 2021
Humanitarian supply chain management: extended literature review
BG Dascioglu, O Vayvay, ZT Kalender
Industrial Engineering in the Big Data Era: Selected Papers from the Global …, 2019
An integrated IVIF-DEMATEL and IVIF-TOPSIS methodology for hotel information system selection
G Erkal, HS Kilic, ZT Kalender, AS Yalcin, G Tuzkaya
International Conference on Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 381-389, 2020
The role of universities in Industry 4.0 era: Entrepreneurship and innovation perspectives
H Yavuztürk, ZT Kalender, O Vayvay
Technological developments in industry 4.0 for business applications, 50-70, 2019
The Role of Mobile Devices and Applications in Supply Chains
ZTK Onur Kurt, Gokhan Kalem, Ozalp Vayvay
International Journal of Economics and Management Systems 1, 94-103, 2016
Bilgi Ve İletişim Teknolojileri Çerçevesinden Küresel İnovasyon Endeksinin Analizi Ve Veri Madenciliği Kullanılarak Ülkelerin Kümelenmesi
ZT Şimşit, SÜO Fırat, HA Es, M Erdem, M Topgül, NS Günay
Yönetim Bilişim Sistemleri Kongresi, İstanbul, 2014
Selection of the Best Software Project Management Model via Interval-Valued Neutrosophic AHP
N Cizmecioglu, HS Kilic, ZT Kalender, G Tuzkaya
Intelligent and Fuzzy Techniques for Emerging Conditions and Digital …, 2022
Digital transformation approaches for aircraft maintenance operations
E Kivanç, Ö Vayvay, ZT Kalender
Managerial issues in digital transformation of global modern corporations …, 2021
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Articles 1–20